(Newswire.net— September 16, 2013) Albury, NSW– The incidence of injuries sustained as a result of workers falling from a height is a reality in many industries across the country. Yet the number and severity of injuries can easily be reduced with the correct use of fall arrest anchors.
There are many instances where workers may be required to work at heights. This can include mezzanine locations situated above machinery or on rooftops or even from elevated platforms to facilitate loading or unloading in some industries.
Regardless of the reason, it is vitally important to ensure that the correct safety measures have been considered to decrease the risk of injury for those workers. This is where the use of fall arrest anchors and other specific height safety equipment can be integral for many locations.
Accessing equipment or machinery on rooftops is another consideration many organisations and industries need to consider. Providing ladders that allow safe access to roof areas is an excellent start, but the addition of roof anchors can further increase safety. Workers are able to attach a lanyard to the anchor, which is attached to a safety harness. In the event of a fall, the risk of injury is greatly decreased thanks to these types of safety devices.
The skilled team at Anchor Safe understand the importance of utilising the correct height safety systems to suit each individual application. They will be able to conduct a thorough height safety assessment in any building or worksite and design specific fall prevention systems fit for any workplace.
All systems designed, created and installed are fully compliant with Australian safety standards. To further ensure that safety standards are as high as possible, Anchor Safe also provides fully accredited training for workers or contractors required to work at heights.
For more information on fall arrest anchors and customised height safety systems, please visit:
Anchor Safe
289 Townsend St
Albury NSW 2640
02 6021 7630