Questioning The Gardasil Vaccine, Dr. Diane Harper’s Heroism

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( — October 14, 2013)


Every year more and more studies are showing that the Gardisal vaccine is not as safe for use, so why are we not questioning Gardisal more closely? The vaccine industry is big business, and when a new vaccine enters the market, there are many millions of people that stand to make a significant amount of money from consumers utilizing the vaccine.


When a vaccine is ready to go to the public, you have the corporate health agencies, the government agencies and the mass media they control beating the drum that people need to hurry and get vaccinated.

The mentality with every vaccine is similar to how the agencies use fear to get people to continue to succumb to getting flu vaccines, despite studies showing that the flu vaccine is deadly to certain individuals. The same time every year, the health companies begin beating their drums of fear into the public with sensational commercials about the consequences for not getting the vaccine, scaring people to run to their local physicians in a panic.

The flu shot is a perfect example of how we still are not sure what chemicals are being pumped into our bodies, yet every winter you will see millions of signs across the country instructing people that its time to get vaccinated today. Banners, billboards, and signs warning consumers they must protect themselves and their loved ones by getting a flu shot. Despite these aggressive marketing campaigns, the vaccine industry refuses to prove the vaccine has any health benefits.

Another example of how the vaccine industry is more concerned with pushing products that giving consumers and informed alternative is with the vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix. The product had been promoted and pushed with no concern for the safety of children and adults using the vaccines. Now, after increases in cancer are being linked to the vaccines, the lead developer Dr. Diane Harper, is coming out and questioning the effectiveness and the overall safety of Gardasil and Cervarix. This is big news, considering one of the developers has actually taken a stand against the giant vaccine companies that she had worked for.

During a speech at a drug convention, Dr. Diane Harper was supposed to be promoting Gardasil and Cervarix to the attendees. She took a bold and dangerous stance by standing up to her corporate bosses in front of the world. People in attendance remarked that they felt unsure about purchasing the vaccines in the future. The risks and potential side effects that Dr. Harper discussed was more than enough to raise serious concerns about the two vaccines.

This opened can of worms concerning vaccines in general. How many more developers are unable to voice their true feelings and concerns about vaccines they are working on. Dr. Diane Harper took a major stance against a well oiled vaccine machine, and may have exposed a potential side to the drug industry that has been kept from the buying public for decades.

When Dr. Harper was pressed bout the safety concerns she had, she mentioned that the vaccine was marketed towards young girls, and over 15,000 young ladies reported serious adverse side effects when taking the vaccine. That number may be significantly higher because those 15,000 that were in fact reported had to go through a number of major reporting hurdles just to have their voices heard. Many people simply give up with the reporting process due to the amount of time and effort required to complete the process.

Over forty young girls have died from taking the Gardisal vaccines, yet that was not enough to shelf the vaccines. We simply are poisoning our children because big business has the public terrified to not protect their children.

Dr. Harper went on to mention just a few of the side effects that patients had been experiencing from taking the vaccines. Lupus, brain inflammation, paralysis, suffocation and in some cases blood clots to name a few. The biggest problem that remains, the vaccine industry did not properly warn consumers of any of these potential side effects.

Dr. Harper has started the ball on questioning the Gardasil vaccine, and says she can now sleep knowing she has brought these concerns to light. What really should have people concerned is that for every one developer that comes forward, how many more hundreds of developers are simply doing a job, and collecting a paycheck, at the expense of all the public.

Chris Ryan