Younger Fibromyalgia Patients Found to Suffer More

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( — October 27, 2013) Boise, Idaho — Fibromyalgia is a disorder that affects both young and old people. However, according to certain studies and a research conducted by the Mayo Clinic at, it has been found that younger people suffering from fibromyalgia have a much lower quality of life. This may come as a shock to those who have always heard that the pain and likelihood of disorders and diseases are directly proportional to age. In addition, research has found that around 5 million people in the United States are victims to fibromyalgia. Even though that is a significant percentage of the population, doctors know very little about the root causes of fibromyalgia and why it affects certain people and not others. The symptoms include musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep, memory, and mood issues among many others. Hence, since the disorder creates a great menace, Fibromyalgia Secrets is a website that has formed to support such victims and help them pave the way towards a better and pain-free life.

Fibromyalgia Secrets – The Hub Of Information


Fibromyalgia Secrets was developed by a group of experts who wish to promote healthy and pain-free living for all those who suffer from fibromyalgia. It provides free and exhaustive information about the disorder so that people have a chance of becoming aware of all that it entails. Articles are uploaded quite regularly on the website and cover topics such as fibromyalgia diagnosis, fibromyalgia depression, fibromyalgia diets, treatments, and fitness plans. Moreover, all these topics are available in the category drop-box on the home page as well.

About Fibromyalgia Secrets


Other than just educating people on these general topics, the experts behind Fibromyalgia Secrets also provide useful tips and suggestions with the help of charts. Trigger points are highlighted for better understanding as well. Since many treatments for fibromyalgia have failed, Fibromyalgia Secrets has also taken it upon itself to provide the latest and safest medication to patients. This all natural drug is available online and can be bought with ease. For more information about the drug, the different categories available on the site, or other details, please visit 


Fibromyalgia Secrets

10280 W. Ustick Rd.
Boise, Idaho 83704
