Releases Weekly News Recap for November 1, 2013

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( — November 1, 2013) Dallas, TX — has released its weekly recap of new articles written this week by its founder and owner, New York Times best-selling author Frank Rumbauskas.


Here are this week’s new articles, with excerpts:


1. “The Fast Way to Easy Sales!”


Excerpt: I learned about this several years ago when I was studying the science of social dynamics and sub-communication in order to apply the information to improving my sales. But it was a very unusual application of this science – or I should say, a mis-application – that really surprised me.


2. “Cold Calling Makes You…”


Excerpt: Last week I got an email from a sales manager. Expecting the usual ranting and raving of a lunatic with an unhealthy emotional attachment to cold calling, I opened it, began reading, and… was pleasantly surprised!


3. “Selling Is … D-U-M-B”


Excerpt: Sure enough, salespeople who are still out there working every day, fighting it out in the trenches to make a living, were agreeing with me. On the other hand, some coach who charges corporations thousands of dollars to train salespeople posted a lengthy message about how we live and die by cold calling.

These articles are from the official Never Cold Call Again Blog, where you can find hundreds more like them, along with more information on the Never Cold Call Again sales philosophy and lead generation system. Visit for more.

5930 Royal Ln., Suite E-363
Dallas, TX 7523
