Mobile Marketing Campaigns drive your business’ sales up, survey confirms.

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( — November 8, 2013) Phoenix, AZ — Mobile-optimized websites offer a multitude of benefits to the consumer which ultimately lead to sales increase for businesses, so it’s a win-win situation. Mobile websites improve user experience which in turn makes it more likely for the consumer to favor that brand over another. Not only does it improve brand identity, but it is more likely to increase user engagement and actual conversion. With about half a billion of tablets planned to be shipped in 2013-14 (source: Gartner), one can only contemplate on the surge of mobile surfing and how this makes a mobile website a must-have marketing tool for all businesses and brands.



1 in 4 emails are read on a smartphone and 1 in 10 on a tablet (Source: Knotice), so it’s no coincidence that a mobile-optimized website improves one’s chances of converting users into customers. In addition, mobile-based searches are gaining ground and at the moment comprise ¼ of all Internet searches (source: The Search Agency). These numbers suggest one thing, a mobile website is an indispensable business tool which increases brand awareness and user engagement, subsequently boosting business sales and engagement.



“Who wouldn’t want to target the 35% of the American population (source: who owns a tablet simply by providing a mobile-optimized website?” asked Robert Hermann V.P. Media @ G2 Marketing LLC


People more than ever, use their mobile devices in order to decide whether to opt for a particular service or product, be it a business, store or service. The numbers don’t lie, almost 3 in 10 smartphone owners use their phone to check a brand’s or business’ website to decide whether it’s worth visiting or not (source:



A mobile website lets people stay connected with consumers — new and potential — at any given time. With a fast loading time and location-specific features, a mobile-optimized website lets one’s business stay ahead of the pack and maintain its competitive advantage against those who opt for an app, or don’t bother at all to offer their customers a pleasant experience on handheld devices.



The number of people who choose to describe their smartphones as an indispensable part of their life keeps increasing and is currently, 66%. People who answer their phones during sex (15%) and 9 million people have shopped through a mobile phone while in a meeting (source: Is there really any reason why a business shouldn’t have a mobile-optimized website?


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