Business Management Training Review Website Launches

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( — November 22, 2013) Seattle, WA — Online Management School, a new web-based business career training resource, is now open and ready to use. is a website where visitors can learn about universities, colleges and private schools that offer degrees in business management or individual manager training classes.


“Most of our visitors to our site belong to one of two different groups,” says the website writer James Running, “One group of visitors are young people who are close to enrolling at a college for the very first time and are looking for more information about potential schools. The second group consists of individuals who are already employed as junior managers and who realize they need a little more formal training where they can pick up some new knowledge and techniques that may enable them to do a better job at work.”


One primary feature of the site is that it makes it possible for users to immediately locate schools that offer the types of classes they are looking for. Users can perform an unlimited amount of searches using the site’s school database in order to look up available degree programs and courses. 


Running believes that the emergence of specialty and private schools has dramatically changed the education environment. “Certainly, today’s students have so many more options than before,” Running continued, “Between the big colleges, vocational schools, for-profit training centers and online options, there are so many different places students can get the specialized training they are looking for.”


“The area of business is still one of the biggest fields for both new college majors and professional continuing education,” Running concluded, “And with the current employment environment today, I don’t see that situation changing anytime soon.”



About Online Management School is an online resource for anyone considering enrolling at a business school for the first time or for business professionals interested in taking a single course. For more details, just go to


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James Running


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