Glass Scratch Repair and Removal: Expert Shares Secrets

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( – December 5, 2013) Los Angeles, California – Scott Webster, a respected and experienced glass scratch removal and repair expert and owner of GlassFix, Inc., took 30 minutes of his busy schedule to sit down and share with us his experiences, knowledge, and proven methods in glass repair and restoration.


For anyone interested in learning how the experts repair and maintain damaged glass surfaces, here is the transcript of our short interview with Mr. Webster.


Interviewer: “Hey Scott, glad that you could take the time out to share some stuff about the world of glass repair.”


Scott Webster: “Oh no, it is my pleasure. I am always happy to talk about my field of expertise and share everything I know to whoever wants to hear it. Glass scratch removal or repair isn’t a very trendy subject, right?”


Interviewer: “Yes, it isn’t a popular subject but a lot of people, will eventually need a service like your company offers. So, tell me about your company and experiences.”


Scott Webster: “Sure, I have been in the building service industry now for 20 years. I’ve had a primary focus on glass maintenance and restoration. Over the years, through a long process of trial and error and an invested interest in technology I believe that my company has developed the world’s premier solution for the restoration of surface damage to glass.”


“I now believe to have answers to problems that have plagued most, if not all, glass scratch removal and glass restoration companies who have struggled with removing damage and often times left the glass looking worse than it did with the initial damage.”


Interviewer: “You mentioned in your opening remarks that you have developed a system and process for removing damage to glass. Can you elaborate more on what it is and how it differs from other methods?”


Scott Webster: “My pleasure. While I don’t want to reveal the specific compositions or materials I have developed, I will explain my process, and why it differs.”


“For starters most, and I would argue all, glass scratch removal systems on the market have flaws. To remove scratches from glass you must grind the damage out. You will need to remove glass stock in a manner that is even and uniformed while at the same time not creating more scratch damage (known as swirls), haze, or distortion.”


“There are basically two theories on the market today. Dry grind and Wet grind.”


“Let’s start with wet grind. The wet grind method uses a central water fed design on a hand held powered grinding unit that feeds water through the center of the disc as you grind with the principle that you must keep the glass cool at all times in order to keep it from breaking. The problem with this method is that it creates an uneven grinding method that will create distortion. Think of it this way. If part of the grinding disc is hydroplaning (inner side of the disc) and the other part is actually grinding away glass stock you will have a very inconsistent removal of glass stock, thus creating high and low spots. What you are left with is some very unsightly distortion. In addition to the problems it creates with distortion. It uses machines that constantly have mechanical failure and are extremely slow.”


“Dry grind is a fairly recent technique and method of removing damage. There is no doubt that this is the way that scratch removal will be addressed from now on and/or until more technologies are developed. You basically remove the damage with abrasive disc in similar methods as you do with the wet grind systems, except without water.  This way the abrasives stay in contact with the glass in a uniformed manner. So the obvious question is what about overheating the glass? Glass is actually pretty strong. It can be melted, bent, and manipulated to many forms and shapes. As long as you maintain safe parameters and stay within those guides, you can dry grind glass safely.”


“There are systems on the market today that use the dry grind method to remove scratch damage from glass, but will still create distortion and swirls because of clogging discs, poor abrasives, and flawed materials.”


“What makes the system I’ve designed so unique is that I have developed materials and composed systems that have allowed for us to grind out and remove damage without leaving any discernable distortion, haze, or swirls.”


“The abrasive discs for example are engineered in a way that can remove the deepest glass scratch graffiti damage without putting in more scratches from the abrasive. All the other abrasive disc on the market that would be used to remove this type of damage will put almost as many scratches in as you remove. Making you wonder why even bother if all you are going to do is create as much damage as you are removing.”


“The second step in the process is the Pre-Polish step. The pre-polish disc that we use in the system is what I would define as the perfect composition for pre-polishing glass prior to the final stage of polishing.  Our pre-polish disc is designed to perform in a manner that gives the glass a near polished look. It again, is composed in a way that allows us to grind the damage out without leaving swirls or hazy edges.”


“The last step in our process is the polishing step. The polish system we use is again uniquely designed to keep a uniformed process for polishing. The thing that is really exciting about the polishing process I developed is that it doesn’t have the issues of heat and inconsistent surface contact. Which will allow us to have a superior polishing result. We use a state of the art material that is extremely aggressive yet glides across the glass. Our compound formula is designed to compliment the abrasive properties of the polishing material.”


Interviewer: “I have lime scale on my shower door enclosure. I have tried seemingly all the products on the market, yet I still can’t get the damage out. What would you be able to do that the other guys can’t do?”


Scott Webster: “Good question, and it’s one I get a lot. There are areas in Los Angeles and around the country that have hard water. The minerals that are present in the water when they exit the shower head, in this example, will leave lime scale deposits on your glass which will etch the glass over a period of time. After this continual process has happened over and over it will require more than the available commercial products such as acid that you can get from home improvement box stores, etc.”


“Most of the systems out there now will use a polishing felt and a cerium oxide to attempt to remove the damage. It will take some of the damage out, but in cases were the damage is more severe it will still have etched “spots” on the glass. They are left with only one choice to remove the rest of the damage at that point, grind it out.”


“I differ from them in that I can get that damage out without having to grind the glass and still not use any harsh chemicals. I have developed a process, and materials, that allows us to remove the damage, leaving the glass completely free of surface damage caused by the etching. It’s completely different from any other material and methods used in our industry today. They say necessity is the mother of all inventions, and that necessity is what led to the development of the materials and processes I’ve developed in our system. It can be difficult to grind glass in a glass shower enclosure when you have brackets to grind around, silicon, and other variables that can hinder your ability to get to every spot that has damage. This is one of the primary reasons I developed a better way of removing this type of damage. I can use our machines in almost any configuration, allowing us to reach those hard to get to areas around hinges, brackets, and edges.”


Interviewer: “I spoke with a local construction company in Los Angeles about issues they are having with widespread scratches on their glass in that appears to be all over each piece of glass. It’s most noticeable after the glass has been cleaned. What happened?”


Scott Webster: “This is one of the most frustrating issues for construction companies. It is called fabrication debris. It is actually a manufacturing defect. To answer this question, we need to understand how tempered glass is made. The third step in the process of making tempered glass is to wash the glass after it had been sized and ground, but not all glass manufacturers do an adequate job at this step. Most problems in this area are related to the lack of maintenance to the washer and tempering furnace. If the glass washer and tempering furnace are not properly maintained, fabricating debris will build, making them less effective in cleaning and tempering the glass. Due to this, the glass will exit the washer with much of the fabricating debris still present as the glass is sent into the tempering furnace. Once the glass is inside the furnace, the debris will begin to liquefy and fuse itself to the roller side surface of the glass and to the furnace rollers. It is this fabricating debris that causes the poor quality surface and the scratching on defective tempered glass.


“The majority of the scratches found on tempered glass result from poor glass quality. The surface quality of tempered glass will have a direct effect on the possibility of scratching the glass during cleaning. Low-quality tempered glass has fabricating fused to its surface, which at the time of cleaning has a very high likelihood of being dislodged and dragged across the glass surface, resulting in scratching.  Scratches related to defective tempering are always widespread on the glass surface, usually covering the entire pane. This scratching will only occur on the side of the tempered glass that was in contact with the rollers in the tempering furnace. The side facing up in the tempering furnace is usually defect-free, and will not scratch when cleaned with the same window cleaning tools and techniques.”


“Now I’m not saying that the window cleaning company is innocent, they are just simply unaware or negligent in some cases. The good news is that with our system we can remove the damage leaving the glass in like new condition”.


Interviewer: “Scratch Tag Graffiti and Acid Etch Graffiti is a common issue in Southern California. What can be done to remove it? And is there any way to minimize the cost of removal?”


Scott Webster:  “It’s a major problem. We have jobs that we do that are tagged before they can even complete the building.  The taggers are bold and have no respect for the property of others.”


“We can certainly remove the damage. So long as the glass is not cracked or has holes, we can repair it. The best thing to do to minimize the future cost of damage removal is to install an anti-graffiti film after the damage is removed. When the taggers strike again simply remove the damaged film and install new film. Other precautions you could use is to install better lighting, security cameras, and what I would define as aggressive landscaping in front of the glass if possible. You basically want to make it difficult for the taggers to access the glass.”


Interviewer: “Wow, I must say that it has been an honor speaking with you today. You have obviously an extensive knowledge of glass scratch repair, hard water staining, scratch tag graffiti, and fabrication debris. Is there anything you would like to add or share that is relevant to glass repair?”


Scott Webster: “You know I honestly just want to make the industry better and provide a viable solution to the restoration of damaged glass surfaces. It is a passion of mine. I love the responses we get from our customers when we are able to save them from replacing their glass. It keeps everyone happy, and keeps glass from unnecessarily from entering the landfills.”


Visit or call 1-800-783-4129 for more information on glass repair and scratch removal or for a fast, free quote from them.