New Study Reports 80 Percent Jump In Cyclists Treated For Injuries

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( — December 6, 2013) Denver, CO — The increase in injuries included everything from typical scrapes to fractures, with fractures being the most common. Dr. Joel Cherdack, owner and chiropractor atofycling has become more popular, cyclists are increasingly sharing limited road space with other vehicles. We are bound to see an increase not only in acute cases such as accidents, but my practice has also seen an increase in overuse injuries and chronic pain from prior accidents.”


The study pointed to many different causes for the increase in accidents, ranging from refusal to wear protective equipment to riding on the sidewalk instead of using roads to avoid car traffic. “It is important that cyclists educate themselves about safety precautions that can reduce the chance of injury or even death. There is a perception that bicycles are safer than cars and that bicycle accidents are not as serious as car accidents, but nothing could be further from the truth. People are also less likely to seek medical attention after a minor bike accident than they are after a minor car accident, which is a mistake.”


Although many believe that children are the group most likely to have bicycle accidents, the study found that the most common group involved in accidents were in the 15-35 age group. Adults are increasingly braving traffic on bicycle as a primary form of transportation to and from work both as a way to save on fuel costs and to reap the health benefits of an active lifestyle.


Dr. Cherdack believes bicycling to be a healthy and environmentally responsible activity, but if the worst happens then bicyclists should be prepared to seek out medical care. “Even if it is just what you would consider normal aches and pains, or cramping and muscle tightness, these factors may contribute to a more serious accident during your commute. There are many treatment options that can reduce or eliminate your chronic pain and let you keep your mind on the road.”  


Dr. Joel Cherdack is the owner and chiropractor of Cherdack Pain Management & Rehabilitation Clinic in Denver, CO. He believes that no one should have to live with chronic pain when there are so many treatment options available. To learn more about his practice please visit


Cherdack Pain Management & Rehabilitation

2149 S Holly Street #200
Denver, CO 80222




Written by: Rob Armijo