(Newswire.net — December 7, 2013) — His extensive background includes being a combat Marine pilot, a police chief, an adjunct law professor, and a highly sought-after talk radio and television show personality.
Entire civilizations have been lost due to lack of knowledge. Ours is no exception. Countless numbers of innocent Americans continue to lose their businesses, homes and life savings – even their children are being forced to assume what the IRS may wrongfully conceive as their
tax liability!
This law class, now in webinar format, will be a turning point of your life.
You will learn about how our nation’s constitution was designed to protect you and your family including:
1. What is the War Powers Act and how does it affect you?
2. Does Common Law exist on the Federal level 3 or in any venue?
3. Can you re-establish Allodial Title (non-taxable, absolute dominion) to your property?
4. Why is there no $ sign before the amount you owe on property tax?
5. What taxes are you liable for? IRS jurisdiction – where does it end?
6. What tax liens are illegal and what can you do about them?
The webinar will include information on;
1. The complex tax scheme and how to beat the grim reaper at his game using federal law.
2. Denial of corporate existence – dismissal for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.
3. Application of the Habeas Corpus Writ and how it is used.
4. Rules of Court and Civil Procedure.
5. Common Law vs. Statutory Law and the jurisdictional implications of each.
6. Stopping home foreclosures – how to save your home in bank foreclosure proceedings.
In what was formerly a $1000 40-hour live class, you will get information, skills and support you need to be an effective “belligerent claimant in person.” As an individual, or as a sui juris Legal Education Team, you will be able to mount a formidable legal action to achieve your survival objectives in spite of the court that considers you incompetent to represent yourself (non compos mentis).
Remember, if you are represented by an Attorney, you cannot challenge the jurisdiction of the court, as the Attorney is an officer of the court and he is presumed to plead after having obtained leave (from you), which admits the jurisdiction.
Presented in 10 sessions, each approximately 1½ hours long, beginning
Monday, January 6, 2014, at 8 p.m. EST.
The sessions will be recorded by the presenter.
Cost per student (may include spouse & minor children living with registrant): $300
Clicking “Sign up now” means only your interest in the course. You are not obligated to purchase.