The Bad Rap on Extended Warranties

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( — December 13, 2013)  


Herb Weisman of CNBC was aired yesterday reviewing the notion of extended warranties and gave an analysis and report of this sector of consumer purchases.  With the holiday season upon us, many consumers are buying many products and goods that offer extended warranties.  Do not throw the baby out with the bath water however until you watch this report or read further about extended warranties.


In a nutshell, the CNBC report stated that all extended warranties are not the same and should be read carefully to decipher the quality of the carrier offering the protection. A top rated institution is a must.  All products do not require an extended warranty either.  Large ticket items prone to accident or events that require significant capital replacement are where they make the most sense. 


Mobile devices were stated as a good choice, however automobiles are also excellent candidates for extended warranties.  Both items of our lives are used continually and will undergo wear and tear and depreciation just by its existence.  With cars, it is only a matter of time and an extended warranty buffers the race against time and expense.  There is a direct correlation between the two as with more time passing, the greater the expense that a car owner will most likely experience. 


Weisman also discussed the idea that all service warranty contracts are not the same and it is important to review the various nuances and differences before buying such a contract.  Many of these contracts are bought on the spot or are an impulse sell by the salesperson in order to get the consumer to make that “impulse” purchase. 


Warranty Contracts offers a different approach to engaging its consumers to discuss and review all questions before making any purchase whatsoever.  Although they specialize in extended warranties for cars, their service thrives itself on offering guidance and advice before commitment on the part of the consumer.  Sallie Turko, Warranty Contract’s founder and owner states that “…we engage our consumers to call and discuss their problems with us so they know what their options are.”  Turko understands this industry very well, having been in the property and casualty insurance business for over twenty years. 


An educated client is their best customer as their service extends throughout the United States and with the economy being in the proverbial doldrums where the consumer wallet is very sensitive today, this service is  must.  Contact Warranty Contracts for a quote.    

Warranty Contracts   866-477-6008 

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