Natural Looking Breast Implants Developer Controversially Jailed

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( — December 15, 2013) Brisbane, Queensland — Natural looking breast implants have been compromised by a large French distributor of natural breast implants, which resulted in the founder looking at four years of hard time for fraud.


One the largest makers of natural looking breast implants, Poly Implant Prothese have been accused of knowingly creating defective breast implants. The case effects over 300 000 women across 65 countries who have been fitted with breast implants from PIP. The production of defective natural breast implants from PIP has been seized since 2010.


The founder has naturally been blamed and is currently looking very guilty after being trialed on several different yet related cases. Jean-Claude Mas has been convicted to four years after several negative incidents of the natural looking breast implants causing pain, contamination and one reported incident of death in France; however the settlement of that case still hasn’t reached a verdict.


In response to this incident, the French government has issued statements saying that they will cover the charges for the removal of the defective natural looking breast implants.


According to the national agency of safety for drugs and health products  over 17, 000 women have removed their defective natural looking breast implants since 2001 with frightening results of the amount that were defective.


Over a quarter of the said removed breast implants have been deemed defective.


During the trial, the founder Jean-Claude Mas revealed that the breast implants have been deliberately made using cheaper materials to save more money and to increase profit margins for his company however he stood by his natural breast implants in stating that his companies breast implants didn’t pose any health risks to patients.


The court deliberations uncovered that the company has used cheaper grades of silicone implants which may have lead to the higher rupture rate of natural looking breast implants produced by the French company. The company admitted to using non-approved ingredients in it’s breast implants however an investigation issued by the European Commission Panel found that they there was no toxicological reason to remove the breast implants as an act of precaution.


A plastic surgeon in Brisbane who has been voted as one of the most experienced in giving women natural looking breast implants believes that the incident to be rather disturbing. Fleming believes that using lower grade breast implants in fact don’t give women the natural look that they so desire as subpar implants can cause many medical conditions after several years.


“Clients are always better off getting top grade natural looking breast implants as they will be better in the long term. It gives piece of mind, you don’t want to have to worry about your breast implants rupturing or contaminating your body when you’re getting work done, you want beautiful natural looking breast implants that will give you confidence. “



To find out what you need to look for in natural looking breast implants please click here 

Cosmetic Surgery Institute of Australia

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Brisbane, Queensland 4006

(07) 3252 8929