(Newswire.net — December 18, 2013) Tustin, California — Cal Banyan offers weekly training videos on his website, www.CalBanyan.com. These videos are streamed through both video and audio formats, allowing those who are interested in these weekly topics, known as “Hypno-Tuesday” lessons, to watch at their convenience. However, Mr. Banyan recently decided that one component was missing from the weekly Hypno-Tuesday sessions: text transcripts. Accordingly, Banyan Hypnosis Center now includes a text transcription of each weekly video to make study even more meaningful.
Finding hypnosis training that is not only professional but effective can sometimes be difficult. Because there is not as much regulation in training in hypnosis as in other fields, it is important that those who want to learn hypnosis choose an instructor or program that has been proven to provide useful and realistic hypnosis training and observes all safety and professional protocols. Banyan Hypnosis Center offers a professional and safe way to learn about hypnosis and become a professional hypnotherapist who helps others using these fascinating techniques.
Hypnosis is a growing field and Cal Banyan, along with the professional staff at Banyan Hypnosis Center, is focusing on ways to bring important information about hypnosis to an audience that is eager to learn. With the help of the Hypno-Tuesday session, including text transcripts, Banyan Hypnosis is able to offer many current and aspiring hypnotherapists the support they need to learn everything possible about their craft and to improve their own practice on a regular basis with continuing education.
About Banyan Hypnosis Center: Cal Banyan has a master’s degree in psychology. He was named Educator of the Year and Certified Hypnosis Instructor of the Year and has received many other awards and accolated for his hypnotism training work. His professional reputation as a trainer of hypnosis students is unparalleled. He offers a weekly training session through his website at www.CalBanyan.com known as “Hypno-Tuesday” as well as refresher courses, updates and his award-winning hypnosis training at the Banyan Hypnosis Center in Tustin, California.
Cal Banyan