Philippines Poised For A Miracle; Relief On The Horizon

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( — December 18, 2013) Denver, Colorado — The worst typhoon in world history is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people and has displaced millions. The Philippine people, struggling to survive, need a miracle.  Families are despaired of hope; living on cluttered, unsheltered streets, in island cities toppled by the storm. World relief agencies report that Philippine children have the greatest risk. 1.5 of the 4.9 million children affected by the storm are under five years of age. The aftermath of the storm hurtles these children toward malnutrition. Overall, 2.5 million people, including children, are in need of food assistance.


The challenge, for relief agencies, is the sheer vastness of the need. The width of the storm’s path was 370 miles. Without water, electricity, food or shelter and fearful of what lies ahead, it is no wonder that many lose heart. Food and medical aide trickles in, but relief agencies are logistically hindered. The devastation left in the storm’s wake slows the progression of aide into hard hit areas. The Philippine chain of 7,107 islands is positioned for a miracle.


A long road lies ahead but a miracle is on the horizon for the Philippine people. The global community, moved with compassion, is responding. The U.S. Navy delivered 400,000 gallons of water via the aircraft carrier USS George Washington. As of press time, donors from around the world had contributed $81 million, 20 million of which is from the pockets of the American people. Additionally, the United Nations has appealed for 300 million dollars in funding towards supplies and services.


Most people in the United States will never face as calamitous a situation as the Philippines. However, pain and suffering is no respecter of persons. If your personal circumstance is dire, you are poised for a miracle. In a recent sermon titled, “Faith: For the Miraculous”, Pastor Kenneth Michaels said,

God, moved by compassion, has a strong desire to alleviate your suffering”. He went on to say, “there should be no doubt in your mind about His compassionate love to alleviate your suffering, whatever it may be”.


You are invited to explore God’s great compassion for you. Join the Church @ Thornton for prayer on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 and for worship on Sunday morning at 10:00. For a schedule of events, directions to the church or to contact someone about how to receive God’s miracle of compassion, visit


Church @ Thornton

2683 E 120th Ave, Unit ‘C’
Thornton, Colorado 80229

(303) 254-6176



Written by: Rob Armijo