Local Business Generator Brings Mobile Marketing to Bromley Businesses

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(Newswire.net — December 28, 2013) Beckenham, Kent — Fifteen years ago you just put an ad in the yellow pages and waited for your phone to ring. The modern small business owner is faced with the decision of where to invest advertising budjets to bring back the best return on investment and it is a difficult question to answer. Google, Yahoo, MSN/Bing, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Groupon, Yellow Pages, Direct Mail, Flyers, Newspapers they all play a role and they all play by different rules.

Local Business Generator is a full service mobile marketing company specialising in providing innovative, engaging, traffic driven, data driven and cost-effective mobile communications. From iPhone, iPad, Android applications to HTML 5 applications delivering Mobile Apps and Mobile websites on every platform. They provide an easy way for customers to maintain information about their business. Having leading experts standing by to help customers along the way without ever feeling like you are in it alone.

With more searches being done from mobile devices, having a mobile friendly business web site has become a necessity. They can help your business get found on the Internet using SEO, SEM, and Social Media to drive customers to your web site. The only constant on the Internet is change. Finding what works for your business is like trying to hit a moving target. Understanding the complexities of the Internet can take time and just when you have it all figured out, everything changes. Local Business Generator help you prioritize your time by allowing them to help you sort through the clutter and identify the best avenues to find the ideal customers for your business. Your success makes them a success!

Local Business Generator wishes everyone a happy and prosperous new year!


To learn more about the new mobile apps business, creative web design and press releases you are encouraged to contact them at:

Local Business Generator

101 Elmers End Road
Beckenham, Kent BR3 4SY

0208 777 7958