New Website to Help Women Over 50 Look Great, Feel Great Every Day

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( — January 6, 2014) Atascadero, CA —  

There is a new resource for women over 50 who want to improve their health and fitness, and make the best of living every day.  This website, called FitnFabOver50, has been developed by Susan Blais, the creator of the Fit and Fabulous for the Fifties and Beyond program, which has helped women all over the world take charge of their health and their weight during menopause.

This website brings together research from numerous sources in the field of women’s health and beauty, to give women in this age group a place to find condensed, actionable information on these topics. In addition to articles on improving health through nutrition and exercise, the site includes the critical issue of maintaining brain health and preventing dementia and alzheimers disease.  Since Ms. Blais is an expert in the field of long-term care, she has extensive experience with these issues and excellent sources for the latest research.

Many women over 50 realize they must take charge of their health now as a foundation for their wellbeing in the next decades of their lives. The emphasis is on self-care and on making small changes in daily life which can bring about long-term improvement in fitness, energy level, and mental health. One timely article explains how to get back on track nutritionally after holiday celebrations, and how to make any resolution to change a permanent one.

In addition, there are posts dealing with various lifestyle issues, including how to improve reading speed, the basics of understanding wine, and how volunteering contributes to one’s own wellbeing in addition to helping the community.

New information will be added regularly to the site and guest contributors will share their insights into these critical issues.  The site is interactive so visitors may ask questions and make contributions of their own to this dynamic community.

The website can be found at, and visitors are welcome to subscribe to ongoing updates so they’ll be notified as new information is added to the site.  Men are welcome to subscribe as well, since much of the information is relevant to people in this age group regardless of gender.

Susan M. Blais Consulting Inc.

7343 El Camino Real #356
Atascadero, CA 93422