Younger Diabetics at a Great Risk of Contracting Neuropathy

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( — January 10, 2014) Boise, Idaho — Experts believe that diabetics who are at the greatest risk of contracting peripheral neuropathy are those who have been suffering from diabetes for a long period of time. However, truth is that young diabetes patients are at a great risk of contracting neuropathy as well. According to a recent study published by Diabetes in Control at, young individuals carrying Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are at a great risk of suffering from neuropathy. In addition, the research was conducted on young patients using the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument (MNSI), a tool that examines the feet and checks for abnormalities. Moreover, the research also found that other factors that were shown to lead to peripheral neuropathy are age, tenure of diabetes, a larger waist size, lower HDL, and high blood pressure. In essence, Neuropathy Treatment, a website dedicated towards enhancing the wellbeing of neuropathy patients, has taken an initiative to spread awareness about the disorder and treatments.

Neuropathy Treatment – Fighting Neuropathy


The prevalence of peripheral neuropathy in young diabetes patients is sure to cause a major problem. However, with Neuropathy Treatment, all is not lost. The website is determined to take the fight against neuropathy at a whole new level and help patients conjure the will and determination to battle the disorder. Neuropathy Treatment contains complete information regarding treatments, preventive measures, and how to live with neuropathy on a daily basis. Moreover, the website has also introduced a drug for fighting neuropathy in a stern manner.

About Neuropathy Treatment


Neuropathy Treatment is the ultimate guide on neuropathy, providing 100% genuine and regularly updated content. For more information on neuropathy or how to treat it, visit More information on treatments available for neuropathy can also be found on The official website also provides complete information on how to fight neuropathy in a stern manner and how to diagnose the disorder in patients.  

Neuropathy Treatment

10280 W. Ustick Rd.
Boise, Idaho 83704
