Chiropractic Marketing Strategies on the Internet

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( — January 15, 2014) Darien, CT — Fellow chiropractorr reading this know all too well that feeling come early January when the holidays end and deductibles are due. add the burden that Obama Care will place on all health care practioners and you have a rather bleak outlook. “Hey Doc you are not in my plan anymore”. Hearing this only adds dread to the post holiday blues.

  I can not change any of this at all. I can tell you that you need a positive mental outlook. Who wants to hear that while working harder and earning less. The main stream is feeling this as well so do not feel singled out. Health care cutbacks affect everyone in health care.

 I do want to suggest a strategy that will prevent these bumps in the road that we all face. There will still be problems but hopefully with fore thought the bumps can be smoother making your practice life a little easier.

 The internet is the only place to be focusing on new patient aquisition today. This does not mean you stop patient lectures, screenings and other promotions that you are currently doing. Never stop doing something that is working. I made the mistake of listening to a guru who told me to stop telemarketing 20 years ago when it was new and effective. I listened aand the guy up the block picked up on all the patients I didn’t because I took this ill advice.

 There are people searching for you right now on the internet. I can look in any region and look for searches. They are there where are you? You need to take your head out of the sand and let these people find you. I can tell you that it is scary at first. The internet ? Yes , it is terrifying but when you have mouths to feed, moortgages to pay, and tuition to worry about you should already be scared into action. Inaction befriends no one. 

 You can turn it over to someone and pay handsomely for it. I think you need to manage it yourself. I have tried these fancy services that are looking out for themselves. In the interest of your self-preservation you need to learn about what is working and how to make it work for you.

 Personally, I have spent several years educating myself while trying to safe guard my practice in turbulent times. It has been and continues to be a challenge. I do not have a choice with a mortgage, tuition and hope for a comfortable retirement looming ahead for me. I have made mistakes and I have had some homeruns.I want to share the homeruns and help you avoid the pit falls. Like I mentioned earlier patients are searching but can you be found?

 Go to my facebook page and like me. I will be doing Google Hangouts to help educate you about what you can be doing. I will make them as friendly as possible and easy to follow along. If you can not do it yourself I will more then happy to provide you services for a small fee. There is no gimmick here, a chiropractor who is actually in the field doing it. I have really good idea of what works and what does not work. My expertise can help you. Together with myhelp you can attract new patients and grwo your practice while the guy down the street scratches his head.

 This is your wake up call. I will be posting to Facebook the links for Google Hangouts. Get on the call it is free and you will walk away with more knowledge then you started with. There is an email link on the web site to start the process.

 Take a deep breath try and relax and lets start 2014 off with a positive mental outlook. Thanks

Brian McKay DC


555 Post Road
Darien, CT 06820
