Dr. Hughes, Montessori Researcher, Speaking in Bay Area in February

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(Newswire.net— January 15, 2014) SAN FRANCISCO, CA — From February 3rd through 7th, Dr. Steve Hughes will speak at five Montessori schools across the Bay Area about the benefits of Montessori education for young children.


Steven J. Hughes, PhD, ABPdN, is a child development expert through his work as a pediatric neuropsychologist and an advocate for activity-based, developmental education. He is a frequent speaker and consultant to educational organizations around the world. Dr. Hughes is a past president of the American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology and serves as Chair of the Association Montessori Internationale Global Research Committee and is a member of the American Montessori Society Research Committee.


The talks by Dr. Hughes are a great opportunity for parents, educators and the general public to learn about Montessori education and to understand how it helps children reach their full potential. “Dr. Hughes is an amazing speaker. His presentations are informative and engaging, and I find myself reinvigorated about my calling as a Montessori educator and as a parent, each time I attend one of his talks”, says Amanda Hyer, Outreach Coordinator for the Bay Area Montessori Association (BAMA).


“As we build the parent community for our new Montessori school in San Francisco, we’re excited to bring Dr. Hughes to town to speak”, says Heike Larson, Vice President of LePort Schools. “Many parents have heard of Montessori, but can’t quite place it in the range of preschool or elementary school options for their children. I highly encourage all parents who want to make an educated choice about their children’s preschool to attend this event. You’ll leave not just much better informed, but also inspired by what is possible for your child!”


Dr. Hughes will be hosted by five Montessori schools all over the Bay Area. All talks will start at 6 pm and run for two hours, including a Q&A session. Please contact the hosting school for more details, and RSVP information.



Bowman International School
Event open to the public at no charge.

4000 Terman Drive, Palos Alto, CA 94306
Phone: (650) 813-9131


One World Montessori School
Event open to the public at no charge, donation requested to cover speaker fee.

1170 Foxworthy Drive, San Jose, CA 95118

Phone: (408) 723-5140


St. Helena Montessori School &
Sunrise Montessori of Napa Valley

Event open to the public, admission is $15 per person/$25 per couple.

880 College Ave., St. Helena, CA 94574

Phone: (707) 963-1527




Grand Lake Montessori School & American International Montessori School
Event open to the public, donation requested.

Lake Park United Methodist Church
281 Santa Clara Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610

School phone: (510) 836-4313


LePort Schools

Event open to the public at no charge, donations requested toward scholarship fund. RSVP at www.LePortSchools.com/San-Francisco

Holiday Inn Civic Center
50 Eighth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

School phone: 415-992-8388


During his trip, Dr. Hughes is available during the day for media interviews and other events. You can contact Dr. Hughes via his web site, or email Amanda Hyer, Outreach Coordinator for the Bay Area Montessori Association at akhyer[at] gmail [dot] com and we can coordinate your interview request.


LePort Schools has been educating California children since 2000, and operates eight preschools and private schools, serving over 900 children from infants through 8th grade. For more information please visit www.LePortSchools.com, or email to info@leportschools.com. 


Media Contact: 

Heike Larson

Phone: 949-427-3970

Email: hlarson@leportschools.com

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Learn More About Dr. Steve Hughes:

Watch LePort Montessori Videos on YouTube:  
A Successful Preschool Transition: http://youtu.be/C051JFcNXRM
How To Choose A Montessori School: http://youtu.be/q-xK5vgrmBY