(Newswire.net — January 20, 2014) Burlington, MA —
The overall employment rate for individuals in the general field of engineering in Massachusetts is encouraging. Currently, the demand for engineering jobs in MA has exceeded the yearly supply of graduates as well. According to Monster.com, the issue isn’t about the quality of graduates, but the quantity of available personnel ( http://www.about-monster.com/content/monster-employer-survey-indicates-higher-demand-engineering-jobs-2013).
Companies seeking to hire engineers with full qualifications and extensive experience have the opportunity to hire either full time or temporary project related staff members through staffing agencies. These companies specialize in recruiting engineering personnel from various specialties. Some of the engineering disciplines in demand for Massachusetts include the following job titles: Landscape architects average a high annual salary of $81,000; Cartographers average a high of $64,000; Photogrammetrists and surveyors average $66,000; Aerospace engineers rate a high of $110,000 and computer hardware, electrical engineers and electronics engineers all average over $100,000 per year. Even engineering technicians make over $55,000 per year and all other variants have high hourly and annual wages.
The hiring cycle in most technical positions is a comparatively lengthy process. According to the 2011 Society for Human Resource Management Customized Benchmarking Service report, it takes an average of 34 days for hiring in most companies. Human resources plays a critical role in assisting the hiring manager. With the ever increasing complexity of Federal and local regulations, much time and expense is now being invested in the hiring process. Recently, fraudulent resumes and inadequate background checks have resulted in losses of millions of dollars to corporations. The amount of time involved in verifying personal data, references, academic materials and necessary forms as well as information requests often deter even the most dedicated candidate. In the engineering field this translates to lost productivity in projects or departments as well as income to the overall operation.
Triad Engineering Corp (http://www.triad-eng.com/eng-job-search.php), a 40 year old Engineering Staffing Agency located just outside of Boston, MA, relates that many companies “Consider using contract staff to meet tight project deadlines, cover extended absences of key personnel, handle seasonal fluctuations in workload, and to accomplish many other goals.” At Triad, “We source, screen, and refer for your consideration qualified candidates for your contract openings. You may rest easy knowing that our contractors all pass comprehensive reference and educational degree verifications, and criminal background checks.”
As of the last report from the 2013 Massachusetts Job Vacancy Survey Data (http://lmi2.detma.org/Lmi/JVS_b.asp?indocc=occ&Area=000025) the Bay State had a total vacancy rate of 2,142 Engineering positions, full time vacancies of 2,023 positions and permanent vacancies of 1,890. It can be safely assumed that temporary employees are filling many vacancies on a temporary project based and temporary to hire basis. Temporary placement can be an open door to permanent employment in many fields and engineering is no exception.
Because of the uncertainties still resident in the economic environment, many companies turn to temporary engineering staffing agencies to help with their recruiting efforts. At Triad Engineering Corp. (www.triad-eng.com), “Our clients primarily use engineering contractors to staff short- or long-term projects with experienced technical professionals. Some have been through a layoff cycle and need qualified staff to help complete a new project. Others are expanding rapidly and require specific technical expertise to ensure success on an important project. In both cases, given continued uncertainty, they have resisted hiring permanent staff and instead have turned to engineering contractors.”
Professional staffing agencies that recruit engineering specialties can offer prescreened, verified and work ready personnel with minimum time invested by the corporation. For projects under a definite time constraint and require quick replacement of personnel to guarantee the continuity of workloads, these agencies produce a genuine ROI. Their services help to limit delays in critical projects and production. Their fees are directly inverse to the benefit of installing a critical worker in a short time. The benefits of a pre-screened, verified employee in positions where expertise and security are necessary is unmeasurable as well. Today’s technical competition is global and urgency is a fact of life in this new marketing environment.
Staffing agencies fulfill a role in placing qualified engineering personnel in critical jobs at a savings to employers that includes pre-qualifying, background checks, resume verification and other in depth investigations. They provide qualified and experienced specialists and drastically reduce the on the job time. As a companion to in-house Human Resources Departments, staffing agencies are an exceptional element in today’s intense corporate marketplace.