5 Phrases to Eliminate from Vocabulary Today

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(Newswire.net — January 25, 2014)  —  Sydney, NSW


“Think before you speak” is more of a truth than we realize. Most of us are unaware of how language creates our life. Asking for a new job or a relationship and having it show up requires more than just positive thinking, according to Access Consciousness® founder Gary Douglas, who works with people worldwide on how to use language to create what they truly desire.


“The words you use have a vibration.  The first language on earth is energy. If your life is not how you would like it to be, you can change your life by changing the words you use every day.  Most of us are unaware that we are entrained to use words that limit us.  The universe is literal. We are still using words that have a surprising power to stop our creations. This is one reason the Law of Attraction tools and positive thinking often don’t work,” asserts Douglas.

5 Phrases to Remove From Your Vocabulary Today!

  1. Stop saying ‘I want…’ There are 26 (pre-1946) dictionary definitions of ‘want’, which mean ‘to lack’.  Ask:  What would it take for me to have a new job or a new relationship that is fun for me?” instead.
  2. When you say ‘I am sick and tired of….’ you are creating yourself as sick and tired.  If you find yourself saying this, ask:  ‘What am I sick and tired of?’  and then change it!
  3. The Secret misused the word ‘manifesting’. Nothing show ups because we are asking for ’how something shows up’ not that it does! “I am manifesting…” actually means “I am how it shows up…”  Instead ask for what you would like to ‘actualize’ (meaning to bring into physical existence). ‘What would it take for me to actualize more money than I can spend?’ 
  4. ‘Why’ is a question that takes you around in circles (you know this – every two year-old has taken you there.) Instead ask:  ‘What would it take for this to be different?’ or ‘What else is possible?’ and watch your choices change.
  5. ‘Try’ is an illusion that you are choosing something when that is not what you are actually choosing – try and stand up…  Instead you have to ask a question that will allow you to make a choice.  “How can I change this? or “What would it take for me to receive this?” will open a door to a different choice and a different possibility.

“Any dictionary from pre-1946 will allow you to choose your words with awareness of what they truly mean,” advises Douglas.  “And you will create more by asking questions that allow the universe to deliver something that is even greater than what you have imagined.  Asking ‘When will my new silver BMW show up?” is not a question.  It is a conclusion with a question mark attached.  ‘What will it take to have a new car that is fast, beautiful and fun for me to drive?’ is a question that allows you to bring into existence what you would truly like to create.”


Gary Douglas has been fascinated by the power of words from a young age.  He has an English major and offers more insights on using the energy of words to create your life in his books and classes.  Visit www.GaryMDouglas.com or www.AccessConsciousness.com 

Media enquires: Justine McKell E: justine@justinemckellmedia.com    T: (+61) 415 144 407 (AUS)

