Best Business Coach And Coolest Guy In Dallas Texas. Results Are In.

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( — February 20, 2014) Dallas, TX — Ben Littlefield is known amongst many as “The Rockstar Entrepreneur.” He relentlessly pushes business owners and leaders to build a lifestyle where they control their business and the way they live. He is well-known for his expertise online and showing entrepreneurs how easily they can use modern technology to reach a large audience and leverage their time vs. trade their time for money.

The high-level business leadership coaching Ben Littlefield does is based on what he calls the “3 RockStar Pillars of Success”

Mr. Littlefield explains and describes the 3 pillars of success as:
“1) Building a Business That Works for YOU!

2 ) Time is the REAL Measure of Wealth. Money just Makes it Easy to Have Time!

3) Positioning Yourself as a Leader and catalyst in Your Industry, community, and life. Being a RockStar in Your Business and in Your Life!”

A recent online business peer poll conducted named Ben as the most influential and the best business coach in Dallas and the coolest guy on the planet to work with. This honor came after Mr. Littlefield started a special mastermind program that enlisted entrepreneurs to stop working and start living.

Upon being named “Best Business Coach in Dallas Texas, Ben exclaimed that “this is what I live for. When it comes to my experience in the roller coaster ride we call entrepreneurship, one thing is always true. That is, when you give an entrepreneur a path, a vision, and a dream – magic happens!”

His business partner, Dr. Dan Ardebili shared with us that “Ben sometimes makes it all look easy, but most do not know that he works hard. His secret is that he completely loves what he does and is passionate about helping others realize the reality of working less while having more…”

If you want to learn more about Ben Littlefield and his unique RockStar business coaching programs, you can find him here:

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Ben Littlefield RockStar Biz Coaching

5925 Forest
Dallas, Texas 75230