ASM and Selectech team up on Flooring Technology Platform™ for StarNet

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( — March 6, 2014) Avon, MA — 

StarNet Vendor Partners ASM Modular Systems, Inc. and the StaticStop™ division of SelecTech, Inc. have teamed up to provide StarNet’s membership with the Flooring Technology Platform™. This innovative, hi-tech flooring solution, which includes ASM’s low-profile access flooring and wire management systems, is topped off by StaticStop’s FreeStyle ESD™ and Ohmstyle ESD™ static control floor coverings.


“SelecTech is thrilled to partner with ASM to create a complete system for wire management in critical data environments,” said Thomas Ricciardelli, president of SelecTech. “For these environments, our static control technologies are a perfect match, providing the solution that these electronically sensitive areas require.”


The ASM/StaticStop Flooring Technology Platform is an ideal alternative to more costly and less flexible permanent, hard-wired construction. It can be used efficiently in traditional raised access flooring applications such as telecommunication centers, data centers, air traffic control towers, and 911 communications facilities.  Additionally, since ASM’s low-profile access flooring system allows for easy renovations and retrofits in buildings with standard and low ceiling heights, it now enables the use of the “Flooring Technology Platform” in almost any building.


The new ASM/StaticStop initiative enables StarNet Members to offer unprecedented solutions to end-users desiring easy and flexible wire management for their power and data systems and proven advanced static control floor covering as an added measure of protection for those precious data systems.


The “Flooring Technology Platform” is engineered for quick and easy assembly. The low-profile access floor uses a quick-connect pedestal grid networked with snap-in, high strength, steel surface panels, which are prefabricated and installed using a mallet and basic cutting tools. The electrical systems are all plug-and-play and can be easily routed from a single electrical panel through the entire pedestal grid system to accommodate various space planning needs.”


The Freestyle ESD™ flooring system consists of interlocking resilient floor tiles, which are perfectly engineered for installation over ASM’s low-profile system.  Freestyle ESD uses a patented interlock to create a free-floating conductive, or static dissipative, ESD floor system that is very easy to install and does not require the use of any adhesives. Freestyle ESD is also very easy to remove and replace, which allows for easy access to the underfloor wiring systems and for easy reconfigurations.


“Our Flooring Technology Platform, along with SelecTech’s Freestyle ESD provides the best of all worlds, functionality, durability and good looks,” said Jay Collins, of ASM. “We’re proud to make this offering available to StarNet members.”


The ASM/StaticStop “Flooring Technology Platform” was featured in the StarNet Healthcare 2.0 program, which was released in January 2014. The article demonstrated how demand for advanced wire management and static control is growing in US healthcare facilities, especially in new open-plan laboratories and in acute care facilities where cutting-edge electronic patient management systems are used. The article also focused on medical office buildings where new electronic record keeping systems may require updating power and data lines in existing office spaces.


For more information, please contact SelecTech, Inc. at 508-583-3200.