Scott Tucker Announces Writing Workshop

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( — March 7, 2014) Hollywood, Florida — Scott Tucker announced Sunday that he will be teaching a writing workshop this spring in Hollywood, Florida. The busy author is taking a break from working on his latest novel to teach other aspiring authors in his community.


“It’s something I’ve always imagined myself doing.” says Tucker. “I have a master’s degree in Creative Writing, and originally I wanted to teach and I’m thankful for this opportunity.”


His first novel, Ice Cream Sundays and Fingerprints is available in both print and electronic forms. The phrase “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” certainly applies to this bizarrely titled novel. Published over two years ago, Tucker’s fans are patiently awaiting a new story from the esteemed author.


“Right now, this is temporary.” says Tucker. “Of course, I’ll still be writing. I’ve been working on a second novel, but it’s very different from Ice Cream Sundays and Fingerprints.”


Tucker’s Tuesday and Thursday workshop is already at full capacity. The 25 students enrolled are creative writing majors and community members interested in a career in fiction writing. Though students will only be writing short stories, Tucker is willing to read longer pieces of his students’ work.


“I’m only going to teach one workshop this spring. I’ve never done this before, and I want to focus on each and every talent presented to me.” Tucker says. “I’d love to see one of my students have their work published. I haven’t met them yet, but if an ambitious student brings me some reading material I won’t turn it down.”


Tucker’s novel can be purchased from his personal website. The website will also contain any updates regarding future classes and workshops.