Scott Tucker Annouces Clean Air Initiative

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( — March 20, 2014) Marietta, Georgia — By Jean Mattews


Lifestyle website Home And Recreation recently published a story about Marietta, Georgia Fire Chief Scott Tucker’s announcement of a city-wide burn ban. The latest fire ordinance effects metropolitan areas throughout the Central and Northern regions of Georgia. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources created the ban to adhere to clean air guidelines set by the federal government.


The story was originally featured on the Marietta Patch website. The original story reports that open pollutes the atmosphere by contributing to the creation of ozone. This is particularly a problem in during the warmer and drier weather of summer months. It is hoped that the fire ordinance will prevent Georgia residents from burning and will reduce increases in ozone levels around metropolitan areas.


As Fire Chief, Scott Tucker plays a key role in enforcing the burning ban in Marietta. Tucker and his crew are responsible for monitoring unauthorized burning and enforcing measures related to fire safety and environmental concerns.


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