Our Family Fun Night Praises Work By AMG Services Guatemala

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(Newswire.net — March 26, 2014)  — By Carol Evans  Our Family Fun Night, a family and lifestyle website focusing on family-friendly entertainment, reviews AMG Guatemala’s latest ministry work. AMG Guatemala is a ministry that works to educate, protect, and support Guatemala’s at-risk adults and children through Christian values, vocational training, and health initiatives, and more.


“I can’t think of a program that serves a population with as much care as AMG Services Guatemala,” says Maureen Turner, editor of Our Family Fun Night. “They have this boots on the ground approach that you don’t see enough of these days. AMG Guatemala is serving the community at the community level – it’s really special and life changing, not just for the people they serve but for everyone who hears about it.”


Our Family Fun Night has reviewed some of AMG Guatemala’s recent work with the community, highlighting the huge amount of support the group offers. AMG Services Guatemala operates in many areas of the country, from the urban landscape of Guatemala City to the countryside. In this landscape many of the people that they serve lives far below the poverty line.


“Guatemala is a place that is in substantial need not only of a Christian message but also of real, tangible support,” says Turner. “The educational and vocational opportunities that are offered will change the lives of all who are touched by it. And that should be an inspiration to everyone, even those of us who are comfortably living in the first world.”


AMG Services Guatemala offers education for local children, many of whom cannot read due to inaccessibility of public schools. The group also provides vocational training for adults who wish to be dental hygenists, electricians, and many other trades. Along with education, AMG focuses on support of health with several medical and dental clinics in the country. AMG Guatemala is partially funded by sponsorships from likeminded individuals and families.


Our Family Fun Night was founded in 2012, and focuses on wholesome ways to bring families together. Through games, group projects, and discussions, families become more than just a bunch of related people – they become a tightly knit group that support one another and foster better futures.