New Workshop Offers Teens Bright Futures

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The Total Truth Workshop is a weekend full of activities that teaches your teens life skills without pulling any punches!  Elizabeth Bourgeret keeps it real while engaging your teens in interactive, and fun lessons that focus on the things that they’ll need to succeed in life starting right now!  She’ll show them how to reach the goals they have created for themselves and teach them how to set new goals they might not have thought of before.  There’s no lectures here, but they’ll walk away with a new outlook on life and a new drive to go and get the life they want instead of taking what comes their way.

This workshop has been created by Elizabeth Bourgeret who has become well known for her creative classes and summer camps for kids of all ages.  But THIS workshop is developed just for teens!  What teens want to know about, learn about, talk about and live about!  Ms. Bourgeret has spent over 25 years perfecting her skills as an instructor and working with kids and she is pleased to present this latest work to the world in a big way!  

“Participating in a workshop like this can change lives.  We dive in to the things that they’re not teaching in schools but what every young adult needs to know to succeed,” Ms. Bourgeret explains.  “We go over goal- setting, communication skills, financial awareness, core values, replacing bad habits with productive, healthy new habits and so much more!” 

Elizabeth Bourgeret knows that you are investing your time and money to give your child the very best advantage in life, that’s why she is committed to your child not just for the two and half days of the workshop but she also stays connected with them for as long as they need her.  She keeps in contact through the Total Truth website, a private Facebook group and even gives the teens access to her own personal email.  “I want to be sure to be there for them if they get stuck, need encouragement or want to share their victories!”

“The Total Truth Workshop not only teaches these teens vital information to go out into the world and get the life they want, it is also building their own community of like-minded individuals that they can lean on, get inout from and basically Mastermind their futures into reality.” Ms. Bourgeret explains.  “Any one can read a book about goal setting, but it won’t stick until you create memory.  The Total Truth Workshop creates memories, positive experiences that will stay with them for a lifetime.  They will remember these skills and put them to use as soon as the very first day.  I can promise you this, your child will not come back the same human beings that left you.  They will have a new set of tools.  A new way of facing all that life will throw at them.  I get just as much praise from the parents as I do the teens themselves about this workshop.  It’s a really awesome experience for all involved.”

Ms. Bourgeret plans on traveling from city to city offering up this workshop for the teens.  A writer at heart, Ms. Bourgeret believes that this is something that needs to be experienced and instead of pawning the teaching off on another group of teachers, she chooses to take this on herself.  “Oh, I am so excited about this workshop!  I can’t wait to get out there and meet all these wonderful teens in every corner of the world!”

To find out more about the Total Truth Workshop, visit their website:

Find out more about Elizabeth Bourgeret and her other services by visitinig her website:

( — May 26, 2014) St. Charles, MO — 

About Elizabeth Bourgeret

Elizabeth Bourgeret is a published author, inspirational speaker and teen life coach. She created the Total Truth Workshop will be traveling across the nation for the next two years at least. She is the mother of two and grandmother of two.