ThermaPureHeat Offers Bed Bug Solutions

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( — June 20, 2014) Ventura, CA –The California based company, ThermaPure, has developed a patented heat pasteurization technology proven to eliminate the most stubborn insect infestations without the use of traditionally harsh chemicals. Many people within the United States experience first hand the fact that bed bug infestations in hotels, apartments, dorms, church buildings and many other living environments have reached an epidemic level. Often complete evacuation along with total replacement of furniture is required to make way for multiple, ineffective pesticide treatments. According to David Hedman, CEO of ThermaPure “We are euphoric about the results which have been achieved by the ThermaPureHeat technology in national parks, federal agencies and even residential homes.”


California bedbug treatment options have improved tremendously for residents in the Ventura area, with the rise of ThermaPureHeat. California bedbugs are treated one time with great success by using heat to effectively kill the bugs and eggs. Pesticides often do not kill the bed bug eggs so reinfestation can occur quickly. In the past, bedbug issues in California required the total replacement of bedding, including the mattress, which is a costly sacrifice for any family. Even with these extreme measures the bed bugs returned, building improved resistance to pesticide concoctions.


To identify whether or not there is a California bed bug infestation in the building, awareness of the evidence indicators of bed bugs is essential. Bed bug eggs are easily attached to luggage, clothing and bedding. This can become a significant recurring problem in cases where used furniture is purchased and brought into the environment on a regular basis. People suffer from bed bugs without being aware of it at times due to the fact that not all bed bug bites result in a visible reaction on the skin. Bed bug treatment in California can be tricky to treat with conventional pesticides since the critters live within baseboards, window casings, wallpaper or any other crevice imaginable where pesticides cannot reach. Alternatively, several research studies support the certified guidelines for use of heat as an effective treatment for insect infestations, including bed bugs. ThermaPureHeat offers this time tested, evidence based, and non-toxic approach. ThermaPureHeat treatment promises to penetrate every possible nook and cranny where bed bugs and other stubborn insects tend to reside.


ThermaPureHeat offers incredible solutions to pathogenic problems as well, including killing mold, mildew, staph and other resistant bacterial strains in the environment. Raising the interior temperature to a level above certain thermal death points for over an hour has been proven to kill bed bugs lurking in the most unique of hiding places. In the past, bed bug treatments have required the ineffective use of chemicals, requiring multiple treatments to achieve any level of efficacy. Bed bugs and other pesky intruders have developed an alarming resistance to pesticide forms of treatment. ThermaPureHeat treatment works effectively with one treatment by making the environment itself lethal to the survival of the bed bugs. This chemical free, natural alternative makes ThermaPureHeat treatment safe for families, pets and even patients within various health care facilities.


For more information on infestations effectively targeted by ThermaPureHeat visit the website at


ThermaPure® is a disruptive technology that is revolutionizing how we treat insects, dust mites, flooded buildings, mold, bacteria, viruses and other indoor air quality concerns and how we dry structures. Through the controlled application of sauna like temperatures to a structure or portion of a structure and with a strong emphasis on simultaneous filtration to reduce the potential for spreading contaminants, ThermaPure® pasteurizes buildings. ThermaPure® has been proven in tens of thousands of applications to be an effective treatment for wood destroying organisms, bed bugs, flooded buildings, mold, bacteria and viruses without the use of toxic chemicals. Anecdotal evidence has shown that ThermaPure® reduces allergic reactions caused by cockroaches, dust mites, and many common mold species.


Ventura, CA United States