Expert Eating Disorder Counselor Helps Women with their Body Shame

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( — July 3, 2014) Portland,, Oregon — Anne Cuthbert, Licensed Professional Counselor and expert in the field of disordered eating and body image, announce the launch of her revolutionary program Food Freedom! This program provides step-by-step changes that will support moving from food obsession to food freedom

Anne’s extensive work with men and women around body image and disordered eating both in individual, groups and intensive workshops has fostered behavior change and self-love in all her clients. Anne also understands very well what it’s like to deal with shame about her body, disordered eating, yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, binge eating, and obsessing about food. It’s her own growth and learning that has helped her to understand, empathize and offer specific tools to help many women and men heal. Results from the Food Freedom Program offer participants ability to take the shame out of eating and put an end to bingeing, how to listen to your body and what it needs from food as well as self-care nourishments, learning to feel beautiful in the body you have, how to create a healthy exercise perspective and routine, and tools for long lasting results that help in all areas of life, not just food. If you’re obsessing about everything you put into your mouth and how horrible you feel about your body, you aren’t really living your life. Because it’s not really about food, you can change how you feel about yourself from the inside out,” Anne explains.

Anne Cuthbert has been the host of two telesummits with expert speakers in the area of eating disorders, body image, Health at Every Size™, and intuitive eating. She has spoken at conferences to other therapy professionals. She has created and held numerous intensive workshops focused on healing body image and helped many women and men create a healthy relationship with food.

Anne Cuthbert, M.A. is a Licensed Professional Counselor whose counseling experience spans over 14 years and has included studying and working with experts in the eating disorder field, teaching counseling and communication skills classes, and assisting and managing several personal growth seminars and support groups. In addition to eating disorders, Anne has provided counseling to people with a variety of relationship issues, including adults who were abused as children.

Portland Eating Disorder Counselor, Anne Cuthbert M.A., Licensed Professional Counselor

Contact / (503) 766-3399

About Food Is Not the Enemy

I help women who are in the non-stop cycle of obsessing about food and weight. I help them make every meal an act of self love and acceptance. I offer individual and group counseling, workshops and audio programs for those who want to have a healthy relationship with food and their body.

Food Is Not the Enemy

1235 SE Division St, Suite 104
Portland,, Oregon United States 97202

(503) 766-3399