(Newswire.net — July 15, 2014) Thousand Oaks, Thousand Oaks, CA — Children bring joy, love, and countless gifts to a Moms life, however, it can come with a high price. According to recent news reports, Moms are more stressed-out than ever before. Moms everywhere deal with many issues throughout the day, carrying out the duties of several professions at home from school projects, sick children, sibling rivalry, money management school activities, family events, household chores and often holding down a job outside the home as well. Studies show that stay-at-home Moms work a minimum of 13 hours a day, including when their children are at school. It is vastly uncontested that Moms have the most underpaid and stressful job.
Stress is a constant in our lives – such a constant that many times we actually don’t realize we are under stress, we think it’s “just part of life”. Other times we know we are experiencing stress and we should simply suffer through it. The stressors for Moms seems unrelenting. It starts during pregnancy and doesn’t stop, even after the children are grown and on their own. Moms stress about the well-being of their children as they go to college, move away from home and even when they start families of their own.
Recent studies report that the biggest cause of stress is attempting to do everything that needs to be done, on time and efficiently and effectively. Over 70% of Moms stress over the amount of stress they are feeling, which adds to the negative effect it has on their health, their minds, relationships and self-esteem. It’s not only about time management. Stress can interfere with sleep causing slower reactions and fuzzy thinking. Working slower due to tiredness adds to the stress of feeling the need to complete a project or carry out a task. Some Moms feel some support from husbands; however, studies show that many times husbands can be seen as one more person needing attention.
Reports indicate that Moms find their best support from other Moms, those that have felt and are handling the same familiar stressors. This is the basis of the new anthology to be curated and published by Self-Investment Publishing. The stories will be written by Moms to help other Moms.
Stress Out series primary author Sumner Davenport has received several endorsement and accolades from the readers who field tested the techniques in her Stress Out anthology books. “What I’ve attempted to do, is make it simple for people to find easy solutions for their stress, and to help others at the same time.” says Davenport. “I may add a summary to this special edition, but not being a Mom to a human child, all my children have four paws and furr; I can’t provide the first hand perspective that this book will present.”
Even with all the blogs and online tips already available online, the benefit of this book will be the first hand and diverse solutions for stress. The book will be always available on a reader’s Kindle or other digital device, plus the print version is easily seen with its bright red cover close at hand. An additional version will also be produced in audio when hearing a friendly voice is all that is needed.
This book hopes to inspire the reader, educate and provide solutions to some of their frustrations from a symbiotic support group of Moms.
The release of “Stress Out, Moms show stress who’s the boss!” is scheduled for release in the Spring of 2015, just in time for Mothers Day. A great gift to give any Mom to say “ I see, I care, I want to help.” This will be a collection of specific inspiring stories, lessons learned and step-by-step processes on how to gain a healthy relationship with stress while raising your family and managing your life. Every chapter will include smart, powerful strategies on how each Mom gained the upper hand over her stress, even if it was minute by minute.
Moms who would like to share their success story to help other Moms, can find more information in anthology book section of the Self Investment Publishing website: www.SelfInvestmentPublishing.com
Sumner Davenport is an Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Best Selling Author, publisher and sought after public speaker. Because of her success and “failures”, she is sought after as a speaker and she is quoted often. One of Sumner’s quotes was voted by an independent group to be included in the Top 10 Healthy Thoughts. As a best-selling author, she donates a portion of the proceeds from her books to selected charities. For more information, visit her website: http://www.SumnerDavenport.com
Self Investment Publishing is an independent publisher of nonfiction, motivational and self-help books dedicated to providing the best products for consumers of all ages. We strive to make books available in all available formats: print, digital and audio. We offer design, editing and publishing services to established and emerging authors of self-help, motivational and inspirational books; as well as joint venture and other marketing opportunities. For more information, visit the website at: www.selfinvestmentpublishing.com