Andy Shaw Reveals How We Can Overcome The Fear Of Failure

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( — July 28, 2014) Steyning, West Sussex — Best seller author of “A Bug Free Mind” Andy Shaw was quite down to earth when he talked to me in a recent interview about success and failure, and just talking about life in general he said “so if you’ve failed so far, and that also means if you’ve actually failed to start, then it’s because you do have a fear of failure.” He then expanded on that by asking me “Do you know there are good mistakes and bad mistakes?” Without actually answering his question he then let loose by saying… “A GOOD mistake is where you have moved forward and got it wrong because all of the information wasn’t available when you first decided to move. A BAD mistake is when you analyze and analyze and then don’t move anywhere.”



Andy stepped up a gear and said “This is when you make a bad mistake! You are analyzing and then not doing anything. So you are procrastinating, and this is bad failing, not good failing. The reason somebody is procrastinating is quite simple, though your mind will have you convinced it is actually something complex. You think the reason you can’t do it is your fear of failure, but it’s not. Your ego just wants you to think that as it is a FANTASTIC way to keep you trapped where you are.”


He then told me that the real reason someone appears stuck and afraid of failure is that as simple as “We don’t know what we want,” and until we do, then we are going to continue to struggle to overcome the fear of failure. Andy then looking at things from a different angle said “I, and other successful people, have no fear of failure because we all know what it is we want! Therefore, as I said in one of the videos in my ‘Secrets of A Bug Free Mind’ course… Anything which does not help me get what I want has no place in my mind.”


Andy then went on to tell me that most people however will just allow all types of thoughts in because their minds simply can’t dismiss all of the useless thoughts on auto-pilot. In his owns words Andy went on to explain… “You frankly haven’t told your subconscious mind what to go and get, so it has to look at everything, so your mind, which is beautiful and the most awesome computer in the world, which can run literally billions of calculations per second on full AUTO-PILOT… bit you haven’t even switched it on! Instead, you’re getting it to look at every single thought instead of 1,000+ a second, all on auto-pilot, so when you realize this, it all becomes so easy to see why the successful get there and you don’t.”


According to Andy it all boils down to this, you’ve got to know what you want if you desire success, and the best way forward is to make an absolute irrevocable decision that you will devote the next year of your life to getting yourself on the perfect path for your success.

Andy Shaw is the author of “The Bug Free Mind Process“, and probably the perfect solution everyone who seeks success is looking for.


The Bug Free Mind Process takes you on a journey through your own mind, and as you go you’ll learn how to replace chaotic thinking with structured thinking. Get the first five chapter for free and start to change your life today… And discover how to overcome the fear of failure!







A Bug Free Mind

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Steyning, West Sussex United Kingdom BN44 3SR

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