(Newswire.net — August 25, 2014) — Probiotic supplements are a really popular topic and there are many people passionate about them. As a result, there is a lot of new information becoming available for consumers. However, many people offering advice on probiotics have not done their own research and spread false information that makes people even more confused about this topic. Below are the five most common myths for probiotic supplements for women.
Many people believe that the supplement labels provide accurate counts of the live bacteria that reaches the gut. However, this is totally not true and there are some things to check to ensure they meet expectations. First, a common labeling method for supplement companies is to put on the labels the live microbe counts “at the time of manufacture”, which does not guarantee this amount will be available when a person buys the product or consumes it. Look for high-quality supplements from reputable manufacturers that use independent third party testing to ensure a reliable microbe count.
The second myth is that probiotics are only helpful for constipation and other digestive issues. This does sound true and while it is most beneficial for people suffering from constipation, diarrhea, etc. new research is uncovering the true scope of its benefits. In addition to it aiding in digestion probiotics can also support proper nutrient absorption, improved immunity, and weight loss. For the ultimate digestive aid, if this is the only benefit a person wants, look for a probiotic supplement that has either one of the prebiotics Sunfiber or FOS. For women, balancing good bacteria and bad bacteria can help with UTI prevention.
Myth number three is that all probiotic supplements are the same and this couldn’t be further from the truth. Some supplements only contain one strain of probiotics while others contain many more. Each strain can have a different effect on health and, as stated before, can contain different microbe counts. Even the capsules or tablets can be different and some are specifically designed to protect against stomach acids to ensure they arrive in the gut alive making them more effective.
The biggest myth of all, number four, is that people get enough probiotics through the food they eat. Unless people are eating yogurt a few times a day it’s unlikely they will see any added benefit of digestive support. A high quality probiotic supplement can deliver carefully measured daily servings of probiotics in much higher concentrations. Additionally, a person who suffers from a lactose intolerance would not be able to eat many foods that contain probiotics and need to get them from other sources like a supplement.
Finally, myth number five is that the best probiotic supplements need to be refrigerated. While a few years ago this was very much the truth recent advances in bottling and manufacturing processes means this is no longer the case. While probiotics are more stable than ever this does not mean they last forever. A quality probiotic supplement will have an expiration date and guarantee the liveliness of the strains until that date.
Knowing these 5 myths about probiotic supplements will hopefully give people a clearer understanding of them and help them make an informed decision if they decide to take them. For more information on probiotic supplements and how to ensure it is of good quality should watch OpenDoors Nutrition’s informative video titled: How to Choose a Good Probiotic Supplement
OpenDoors Nutrition Probiotic Supplement for Women available here
More News from OpenDoors Nutrition: How Probiotics Improve Digestive Health