IVF Treatment Abroad – How Spain Became A Major Player In Egg Donation

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(Newswire.net — August 28, 2014) Alicante, Alicante — 


Who would have believed that throughout Europe, the country that is probably best known for its great food, beaches and relaxed living could also rise to the top in egg donation. However, there are a number of reasons why Spain became a major player in the global field of fertility treatment, including their positive legal environment, premium quality medical care and increasing state of the art research.



A major trend in fertility treatments has come about due to lower cost egg donation options, thanks to a combination of social and scientific developments not just in Spain, but also in many developed countries around the world. From the social side point of view, our current lifestyles have lead to more women putting off motherhood until they get older. Statistics reveal that in 1965 women bore their first child at the age of 22, but just twelve years later the age rose up to 28. At the end of the nineties, the average mother gave birth to her first child at 32 and today that figure stands at 34, meaning that an increasingly higher number of women are much closer to 40 than to 30 when becoming pregnant for the first time.


Other factors like contraception and divorce also allow women to prioritize education and work over family, as well as new family models which have emerged so it’s no longer uncommon for there being single-by-choice parents, homosexual parents and of course the new generation of older parents. But scientific development has been able to match such a social evolution, making it possible to become pregnant via egg donation. The most relevant factor though is that ever-advancing egg donation techniques have ensured high pregnancy success rates regardless of the mother’s age. The technology increased success rates are not only independent of age, but also independent of other fertility problems like poor responders to stimulating meds, adenomyosis, and POF.


But the question remains to be asked, so why Spain for egg donation? As mentioned above, Spain is a world leader in egg donation with people traveling from all round the world to their IVF clinics. Within the reproductive arena, there are more than 200 specialized IVF centers in Spain: including 38 public and 169 private facilities. Larger Spanish IVF groups and boutique clinics manage most of the research and not surprisingly, after 25 years, 20% of scientific papers presented at the European Society for Human Reproduction (Eshre) are written by Spanish authors.


IVF-SPAIN is a boutique clinic with the highest pregnancy success rates in all IVF treatments, but more so in egg donation, with an amazing 75% success rate, where the Spanish average is just 38%. These high rates are achieved by a combination of four factors: a very competent and international medical team, latest medical technology, intensive research and development and personal medicine.


With so many aspects of egg donation going for them, Its easy to see why IVF-Spain is an option well worth considering.



