Orange County Float Center Introduces Benefits of Floating

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( — September 4, 2014) Irvine, CA –Floating is the practice of floating in a sealed tank that shuts out all extraneous input from the senses. Sight, sound and texture are all controlled so that the floater is left with little to no stress. Orange County Float Center is introducing the benefits of floating to a wider audience with one of southern California’s first professional float centers.


The benefits of floating include physical, mental and learning benefits. Physical benefits include assistance in recovering from injury, fighting addiction and eliminating chronic pain. Floating has been shown to increase endorphins and dopamine levels, causing floaters to experience mood elevation for several days after a floating session. The removal of gravity and external stimuli often allows floaters to experience complete relaxation. Spiritual benefits include assistance in meditation and thera state induction. Learning benefits include enhancement of sports performance as well as improvement in concentration and absorption of knowledge.

For those who are interested in finding out the facts about using a sensory deprivation tank as seen at or an isolation tank as seen at, Orange County Float Center is the place to learn. With the help of a sensory deprivation chamber as seen at, floating customers have found that physical, mental and spiritual abilities are enhanced effortlessly.


About Orange County Float Center: Orange County Float Center is one of the first float centers in southern California and seeks to offer customers the experience of floating in order to allow them to find the benefits of this amazing practice. With quality equipment, a comfortable atmosphere and a caring, compassionate staff, Orange County Float Center is ready to help those who want to learn about the health benefits of floating.


For More Information:


Peggy Rodriguez

Orange County Float Center Inc.

18025 Sky Park Circle, Suite G
Irvine, CA United States 92614

(949) 464-8565