LoseWeightFastAcademy Reveals: How To Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise In A Week

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(Newswire.net — September 11, 2014)  — As the call for a change in personal dieting patterns continue to reverbrate all over America today, many people have done so out of ignorance, thus causing further damage to their health. Today, Lose Weight Fast Academy, a private weight loss coaching center, has decried extremism associated with paleo and restrictive dieting mentality.


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In a recent report from Nidi J. J., it’s been noted that so many people out there have distorted views about themselves when it comes to personal beauty and a good physique. “There are people that simply take to routine dieting plans in an effort to look like the model on the cover page of a Play Boy Magazine. In many cases, such methods have a taken a grave toll on the health of some people. It takes more than restrictive dieting to slim down,” he opines.


Contrary to popular claims that human beings should revert to ancient dieting lifestyles, he argues that some individuals have choked their health by refusing to eat well. According to him, studies have indicated that most people have fallen victim of anorexia nervosa today. “It is an emotional disorder resulting from an obsessive passion to shed pounds through skipping of meals, abstinence from certain foods, or excessive fasting,” he adds.


He affirms that these bad dieting fads should be avoided, stating that a particular weight loss program would not necessarily work for every person that adopts it. While making reference to How Can I Lose Weight Fast and Safe, the weight loss program of Lose Weight Fast Academy, he confirms that obese or overweight people would be helped to develop a personal program to lose weight healthily.


“Any effort to copy the dieting plan of a neighbor would lead to frustration. What works for that person might not work for another person,” he explains. Describing the weight loss program from the Academy, Nidi J. J. stresses that it incorporates different weight loss methods into a single custom package that would help an individual to develop a new lifestyle that is healthy and fit.


For more information on Lose Weight Fast Academy, go here: http://loseweightfastacademy.com.