(Newswire.net — September 17, 2014) — EntrepreneurLifestyle.net was recently created to inspire, advise and support the people who keep economies running. The people who take risks. The ones who are willing to work all day, every day, for month after month after month with the singular goal of creating a successful business for themselves and others.
Anyone who has tried this path knows that it can be a very lonely and very tough journey. So tough, in fact, that the vast majority fail to make it to the end. The fear, the amount of actual work required, no guaranteed income and the multiple failures along the way can easily push many back into (un)employment and, unfortunately, further away from their dreams and independence.
Entrepreneur Lifestyle describes, as part of their mission and vision, to help as many people stay on the path and reach their goals as possible, through inspiration, education and many success stories. As Zig Ziglar, famous businessman and public speaker once remarked, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” Taking this advice seriously, Entrepreneur Lifestyle sends out daily inspirational updates from some of the greatest minds that have ever lived (from Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger to Socrates and Aristotle).
“The daily quotes are a wonderful part of the overall mission, which help with focus, direction and understanding, however there is more.” explains veteran entrepreneur and co-owner Tim Marston. “Sometimes we simply need more solid and reliable good advice, but don’t know where to turn. There is so much conflicting ‘wisdom’ floating about, that it quickly becomes difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.
“This is where the website comes in. By collating only the very best information across the board and creating our own in-house articles and specific how-to’s on all the main subjects entrepreneurs might need advice. Everything, for example, from initial project management to full promotional marketing.”
If you feel a tingling in your toes, and want to discover more about what it really takes to live the entreprenuer lifestyle, then hop over to the website, or visit the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Facebook Community for plenty of free inspiration and reliable advice for self-employed and small business owners.