(Newswire.net — September 28, 2014) Langley, BC — Have you heard of Google+? Chances are you’ve bumped into it somewhere online even if you haven’t started using it for your own business. So why should you add it to your online marketing arsenal? With over 540 million monthly users[1] and counting, Google+ is becoming an influential player in the world of social media. Google+ users tend to be tech lovers and early adopters meaning that they are innovative and in tune with what’s going on around them. With users like these, your business stands to benefit from this active audience. Read on to learn more about the valuable tools at your fingertips with Google+.
Google Hangouts
Similar to Skype, Google Hangouts allows you to connect via webcam with clients, vendors, and other contacts at no cost. If you have international operations, travel for work, or simply need to connect for a meeting but can’t coordinate logistics, this tool is great to have. Streamline operations and save time by scheduling meetings online.
“It’s highly likely that your customers are already on Google+ and your regular activity on social media can be a valuable signal to others and it will help boost your search engine ranking”.[2]
SEO & The Google Connection
We’ve all used the term Google it, and as the largest search engine it holds a lot of influence on what appears in search results. Given the advantage of promoting those businesses with a Google connection “there is sufficient anecdotal evidence to suggest that profiles that do well on Google+ get indexed quicker on Google”[3]. The integration of
accounts and services on Google can be an opportunity to help promote your business via it’s various channels, including Youtube.
The importance of ORM and positive reviews and how they can impact your business cannot be ignored. Potential customers and other interested parties will be more inclined to seek out your business if positive Google+ reviews appear in search results as opposed to less- flattering material. The equivalent of digital word- of- mouth marketing, online reviews have a significant influence on buyer behavior and have been known to change purchase decisions.
Location, Location, Location
Optimize your business’s search results by including location information with Google Maps. This helps optimize search results based on where someone is located and/ or where they are seeking products/ services. (Ie if someone is searching for an auto body shop in Vancouver, including this information in your Google+ profile will help your business appear higher in search results if you have included that your business is located in Vancouver). Other relevant information to include are hours of operation and contact information.
“Google+ has a gold mine of worthwhile content that you can draw inspiration from and curate. If you’re not already on Google+, it’s time to start using one of the most powerful tools online”.[1]
See Who’s Noticing Your Business
Google+ Ripples allows you to see how your content is being shared- in other words, the ‘ripple effect’ of who is sharing your content. This can be especially valuable for small businesses, as it allows them to see key influencers who are helping spread the business’s information online. Google+ Ripples displays data in a graph to help you visualize the scope of this impact and to note how effective your online efforts are in reaching your audience.
If you’re trying to think of ways to improve your business’s social media and online marketing efforts, adding Google+ to your list of tools can be a valuable asset.
Source Article: Entrepreneur.com- Why You Should Be On Google+
Image Source: fitbloggin
[1] http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/232283
[2] http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/232283
[3] http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/232283
About Axis Impact Marketing
Axis Impact Marketing (AIM) is an international internet marketing agency designed to help businesses succeed in achieving their sales and marketing objectives.