Restoring Vital Proteins Shown to Help Those Suffering from a Gluten Sensitivity

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( — October 7, 2014)  Protein is the main ingredient the body uses to build up immunities and fight off illnesses. However, people with gluten sensitivities suffer from low acid production making it hard to digest the dietary proteins needed to ward of sickness. Also, when gluten goes undigested it can cause many other complications such as muscle pain, muscle atrophy, weight gain, and restricted mobility. It is difficult to find critical proteins from a gluten free source. Often these people are recommended meal replacements or protein powders as a solution but many contain cheap and highly processed ingredients that are subjected to high heat and chemical processing. To get optimal protein levels to restore immunity and ward off illnesses it is important to carefully look at nutrition labels of any supplement.

When protein powders are heated and undergo chemical processing it creates a harder to digest food source. People with gluten sensitivities are already having difficulty so this just further complicates the process. Additionally, these powders typically contain artificial sweeteners and GMO chemicals such as aspartame, corn fructose, and maltodextrin. Alternatively, people turn to a rice protein but for individuals with a gluten sensitivity this is hazardous to their health. Rice gluten is very difficult to digest and contains virtually zero nutritional value. Other alternatives include foods that are dairy, soy, or egg based. Unfortunately, people with gluten sensitivity often incur major issues with dairy as well.

While this makes it very difficult for suffers of celiac disease to get protein it is an essential nutrient for the human body. Protein, in addition to maintaining the immune system, helps the detoxification systems in the liver and assists with digestive enzyme production. Additionally, it is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels and controlling a person’s metabolism. Dr. Peter Osborne, founder of the Gluten Free Society, has been focusing on the holistic natural treatment of chronic degenerative diseases with a primary focus on gluten sensitivity and food allergies since 2001. The Gluten Free Society was created help educate patients and physicians on the far reaching effects of gluten sensitivity.

His efforts have included creating gluten free supplements for people who suffer from an intolerance. One of his highest rated products is his gluten-free protein supplement. It is a high quality, organically sourced, and dairy free protein powder that comes in both vanilla and chocolate flavors. Ultra Protein was created to be easy to digest, high in essential amino acids, and high in BCAA’s to naturally help suffers of gluten sensitivities restore their body’s immunity.

To learn more about Dr. Peter Osborne, the Gluten Free Society or to get a protein source that is 100% gluten free visit his website here:

The Gluten Free Society membership has a lot of gluten free info to offer and can be accessed by visiting this link here: