Neal Walters has released his entire BizTalk 2006/R2
Intro course to YouTube for free public access.
Although BizTalk is now on release 2013/R2, there
are a quite a few sites still using the 2006 version,
and there are .NET developers around that world that
are looking for free training on the BizTalk suite of tools.
What is BizTalk? It is a framework and suite of Microsoft integration
tools that help companies accomplish business to
business and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI).
It is commonly called a middleware tool, and is in the similar
genre as IBM’s Websphere, Tibco, and Oracle’s Fusion
Why would Neal upload over 16 hours and over 100 videos for free?
Back in 2007, Neal used to sell the videos on his site. At the time, it was probably
the largest collection BizTalk self-study video course
available, and it used to sell for over $200. Over time,
as new releases became available, Neal was busy doing
BizTalk consulting and decided not to keep remaking the
videos for each new release. Thus sales slowed down
and eventually stopped.
Are the videos really out of date? Most of the integration
concepts are still the same. The biggest difference is with
some of the monitoring screens, for example, after BizTalk
2006/R2 the “Health Activity Tracking” (HAT) utility was
combined into BizTalk Admin Console.
Prior to doing BizTalk, Neal Walters was an consultant
and DBA for a mainframe databased called IDMS. After the
famous Y2K date conversion was completed, he became a
Microsoft Certified Trainer, and attended a Microsoft intensive
“Train-the-Trainer” class for BizTalk 2004. After that, he
taught the BizTalk 2004 and 2006 classes over 15 times, in
addition to teaching other classes like C# and SQL. Eventually,
he left training and went into full time BizTalk consulting,
which has now been doing for over 10 years. He has worked in
sectors such as banking, mortgage, non-profit, government,
insurance, and dot-com sales.
The videos are on his YouTube channel, which is every so humbly
named “MrBizTalk” (
The videos are organized into YouTube “Playlists”, where each
Playlist is one of the seventeen modules of the course. Most
modules contain 5 to 10 videos.
Soon to be uploaded will be other past courses on the Business
Rule Engine (BRE), using BizTalk with WCF, and perhaps Business
Activity Monitoring (BAM). At the time of this publication, Neal
is available for a new BizTalk consulting engagement, either
inside or outside the Dallas area. Search YouTube for “Dallas
BizTalk Consultant” to find the video featuring his background
and experience.
BizTalk is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
For further information
( — October 10, 2014) Tulsa, OK —