Michael X Stuns at Local Marketing Summit with Latest SEO tactics

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(Newswire.net — October 20, 2014) Boise, Idaho — 

Michael X, PR Marketing consultant, CEO of AdVenture Marketing, and expert in SEO recently got on stage at the Local Internet Marketers Summit in Arizona. While there he wowed the crowd with his analysis on website traffic in a Post Penguin and Panda World.

During his presentation he shared with the audience how he used his PR Marketing strategies to dominate any industry that he has worked in. Michael X has trained thousands of marketers and businesses both nationally and internationally to increase their exposure and traffic using his simple and effective techniques.

Michael X showed new techniques to rank sites on Page 1 of Google and showed how using the site Newswire for PR Distribution was blowing all other news sites out of the water. With Michael’s training people were seeing their site on Page 1 in less than a day, sometimes in as little as 5 minutes. The audience was blown away at the efficacy of his program.

Michael stated “PR Marketing is something that every single small, medium or large business owner can use to get more phone, foot and web traffic to their business and products. As a PR Marketing Consultant, I am an advocate and educator of business owners, marketing consultants, and the marketing agencies that work with these businesses to increase their exposure and traffic.”

Michael will be on stage once again at the Tampa Bay Marketer’s Cruise on October 23rd-27th as an advocator and educator of business owners, marketing consultants, and marketing agencies. Michael’s training on Search Engine Optimization tactics has been so popular that this is his 4th time talking on the cruise and he is always a favorite at the event.

Michael X’s expertise in Internet Marketing strategies has created opportunities for other businesses to make incredible money online with minimal amounts of effort, time, and capital.

Adventure Marketing LLC

625 N Five Mile Rd Suite B
Boise, Idaho United States 83713
