Many NY Hospital Staff Call in Sick after Ebola Patient Arrives

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( — October 26, 2014)  — New York, NY.  Sometimes you are actually sick when you call in sick to work.  In a new twist, it looks like others have begun to call in sick in an effort to stay healthy. 

An extraordinary number of healthcare workers from the Bellevue hospital staff in New York  have taken sick leave this week.  Not considentially, the trend begun when that hospital admitted its first Ebola patient.

Those who showed up were terrified to enter his isolation chamber, according to The Post.

“Why me?” was the most common attitude of those who stayed, terrified and overworked because all their co-workers called out sick,” one source said.

“One nurse even went as far as to pretend she was having a stroke to get out of working there, but once they cleared her in the ER they sent her back up,” the source added.

First New York Ebola case, Dr. Craig Spencer who served under Doctors without borders treating Ebola patients in Africa, passed the Ebola screening at the JFK but became ill days later. Nurses working in pairs are treating him, and also watching each other to help ensure compliance with CDC prevention standard protocols.  

Dr. Spencer is in stable condition, and nurses said that he, as a doctor, knows a lot about the disease and the prevention protocols, and has been lecturing them accordingly.

“As a doctor, he knows a lot about medicine, so he would call the nurses station all day and going back and forth with doctors on what to do,” the source said. “Otherwise, he is been passing time in his pressurized room by watching TV and eating hospital food.

Visitors are not allowed, however, he often Skype with friends and pals since his room gets outfitted with a video camera, sources said.

The Spencer’s exact treatment has not been revealed, however, doctors are working to keep him hydrated and comfortable.

Mayor’s adviser Dr. Irwin Redlener, said Spencer will be a candidate for any experimental treatments that might be available.