Crime Precognition Is a Step Closer to Becoming Reality

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( — November 1, 2014)  — Developed by technology firm Accenture, the new software merges data from various crime reports with criminal intelligence systems and applies predictive analytic information to generate risk scores. For example, the software uses statistic models crosschecking references and statistical data of the past, as unique statistical tool that predicts the future.

The idea is similar with Isaac’s Asimov novel Foundation and Empire that introduces psycho-historians as scientists who combine psychology and statistics with the facts from the past to predict the future with high accuracy.

“We look at a select groups [and] gangs, rather than specific individuals,” managing director for Accenture’s Defense and Public Safety Ger Daly said.

The scientists will load data from 2009 to 2012 to predict what would happen in 2013. Since they know what happened in 2013, they will then compare the results to real figures and tweak the algorithm accordingly. By simply changing the algorithm, the software can be applied to other crimes, said Daly. “We could look into burglary or domestic violence for example,” he added.

British police are now evaluating Accenture’s program findings.

“Our objective is to stop gang shootings in London and bring those responsible for crime to justice,” said Sarah Samee, a spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police Specialist Crime and Operations.

According to Metropolitan Police reports in 2012, data for London area showed that gangs were responsible for approximately 22 percent of serious violence, 50 percent of shooting incidents, 17 percent of robberies and 14 percent of rape.

It’s too early to say whether this software will help the broader strategy of crime prevention, however, “the police are always keen to use latest technology” Samee added.

Several civil liberty advocates, however, are worried about potential privacy infringements.

“Police should be careful not to target or stigmatize people unfairly. It could make it harder for them to connect with those they are trying to catch,” said Daniel Nesbitt, research director at Big Brother Watch.

It is the government’s role, however, to draw any such lines.  Accenture representative told ABC News their software “operates within the rules of the law”. 

“There’s the police and the politicians on one side, and the people being protected on the other,” said Daly emphasizing that “A dialogue between them is needed.”