Anonymous Declares War on KKK After Ferguson Threats

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( — November 18, 2014)  — St. Louis, Missouri – Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Twitter accounts were attacked by PTC Anonymous, who responded to KKK’s threats towards Ferguson protesters calling them terrorists.

According to ZD NET’s unconfirmed information, Anonymous has compromised KKK member email accounts, and a phone harassment campaign is being conducted on KKK members.

The message by the Anonymous, published on You Tube, said that not only have they blocked KKK members accounts, the digitalized voice said The Anonymous hackers will make public all they can find, and they could find it all.

“KKK, it has come to our unfortunate attention that you have been interfering with Anonymous. We are not attacking you because of what you believe in as we fight for freedom of speech. We are attacking you because of what you did to our brothers and sisters at the Ferguson protest on the 12th of November,” the Anonymous said in a video.

After FBI warned on Monday things could be out of control, the governor of Missouri declared a state of emergency, ahead of the anticipated grand jury decision surrounding Ferguson shooting when Police Officer Darren Wilson killed an unarmed black teenager.

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon said that the St. Louis County Police Department and the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department would operate as a ‘Unified Command’, “to protect civil rights and ensure public safety in the City of Ferguson and the St. Louis region,” fearing of what he called the “possibility of expanded unrest”. Further, Nixon issued an executive order activating the Missouri National Guard to assist local law enforcement.

“The way we view this, the Guard is not going to be confronting the protesters and will not be on the front line, interacting directly with the demonstrators,” the Nixon said.

According to the New York Times, protesters are already preparing for the grand jury decision, which is expected to arrive within next few days.

Missouri branch of the Ku Klux Klan heated an already boiling atmosphere in Ferguson St. Louis when released flyers in which they equaled protesters with terrorists, promising to use force on them.

Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, however, didn’t expect intervention until the Anonymous took a side against them.

“We are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget. Ku Klux Klan you should have expect us,” The Anonymous said.