(Newswire.net — November 20, 2014) — Just as the residents of Buffalo and Upstate New York thought the worst is behind them, even worse snowstorm hit the area with 25mph wind gusts.
City officials said they’ve already removed 5,000 tons of snow, however, the snow cover could reach eight feet by Friday, which would be one for the record books.
“This snowfall is going to break all sorts of records and that’s saying something in western New York and in Buffalo,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. “It’s going to get worse before it gets better.”
Short break on Wednesday came as a relief to many who’s houses were under the snow to clean the entrances and if necessary search for help. Snow removal crews had enough time to try and clear roads and dig people out of their homes and cars, however, the snow started to fall again and even harder than the day before.
“Ahh, it never ends. Welcome to Buffalo,” one resident said.
It is hard by now to estimate the damage. The roads were impassable officials said. CBS reported one couple was unable to reach hospital so their child was born at a local firehouse. Oddly enough, they were lucky because they had help of the nurse who was stranded in her car close by.
The National Guard has been deployed around the city blocking cars from going down streets. Officials are telling everyone to stay off roads, CBS reported.
Professor Michio Kaku warned on CBS a two weeks ago that ‘Bamboo’ genesis would occur. He explained the effect as when pressure suddenly drops when hot air and cold collide forming a storm with temperatures 30 degrees below normal.
Kaku explained to the CBS host that in the best-case scenario, citizens need only to get warm; however, in worse case scenario we may expect massive destruction.
“We have another episode of polar vortex and we should get use to it, because the Earth is changing and it means on average we’ll see more violent swings,” professor Kaku said.