Shocking Mistake in the Darren Wilson Grand Jury

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( — November 27, 2014)  — MNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell blasted St. Louis County assistant district attorney Kathy Alizadeh on Wednesday saying, “With prosecutors like this, Darren Wilson never really needed a defense lawyer.”

O’Donnell said that early on in the jurors’ deliberations, Alizadeh handed them a copy of a 1979 Missouri statute which says Wilson has the right to shoot even if he is not threatened, which includes the person running away.

“You all are going to receive a copy of a statute. It is section 563.046, it states law enforcement officers use of force in making an arrest, and it is the law on what is permissible, and when in making an arrest by a police officer,” O’Donnell reported assistant district attorney Kathy Alizadeh said.

O’Donnell said, “It was very helpful to officer Darren Wilson, that the assistant district attorney an old unconstitutional law which said incorrectly that it is legal to shoot fleeing suspects simply because they are fleeing.”

MSNBC pointed that by handing the grand jury that unconstitutional law, which has never been the law of Missouri during her entire legal carrier, Alizadeh “dramatically lowered the standards by which Wilson could be judged.”

“She [assistant district attorney] was taking the hurdle that Darren Wilson had to get over in his testimony, and flattening it,” O’Donnell argued. “She was making it impossible for Darren Wilson to fail in front of this grand jury.”

Assistant district attorney Kathy Alizadeh handed the statute weeks before Wilson testified and, knowing that it is the false law, she said only a few days before the grand jury was supposed to decide on Wilsons faith that she may made a mistake.

“What we have discovered, and we have been going along with this, doing our research, is that the statute in the state of Missouri does not comply with the case law,” Alizadeh wrote to the grand jury on November 21. Alizadeh further wrote that there is “a portion” in the statute that doesn’t comply with the law and provide another statute.

The grand jury than asked Alizadeh “the simplest question she could possibly be asked” does the Supreme Court override Missouri statutes, however, she couldn’t simply answer ‘yes’, instead she actually said “As far as you need to know, just don’t worry about that”, O’Donnell quotes.

The other assistant district attorney, Whirley, added “We don’t want to get into a law class, “according to MSNBC.

“It doesn’t take a law class to explain to a grand juror that ‘yes’ the US Supreme Court does in deed override Missouri statutes. It takes one word,” O’Donnell