Athletic Greens Takes Care of Mineral Requirements

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( — November 30, 2014) Los Angeles, CA  Every single person needs to enough of the major and trace minerals each day. Minerals are essential for body functions, they make bones stronger, support nerve function, and even improve the health of a person’s hair. More importantly, minerals facilitate the metabolic process that turns digested food into the energy people need to get through the day. People often turn to energy drinks, coffee, or other sources of caffeine when they start to feel sluggish halfway through the work day. However, daily fatigue is most likely being caused by an undetected mineral deficiency. When people aren’t able to get enough minerals through diet alone it is often recommended that they take a nutritional supplement in order to meet minimum daily requirements.

The body is unable to produce all the minerals that it needs to function properly. As a result people must get their essential major and trace minerals through the foods they eat. The problem most people face is that current lifestyle and dieting habits cause people to fall short of their daily mineral requirements.  Mineral deficiencies happen slowly and often go unnoticed by people suffering from them. Everyday fatigue is an early warning sign and if the deficiency is not corrected it could lead to additional health problems such as weak bones or a weakened immune system. To avoid any health problems it is critical that people make sure they are getting enough minerals each day.  Athletic Greens is a nutritional supplement that was created specifically with that in mind and each ingredient was carefully selected for optimal absorption and efficacy. 

For instance, magnesium is responsible for more than three hundred biochemical reactions in the human body. Likewise, the two trace minerals chromium and selenium help regulate blood sugar levels, insulin levels, and the immune system. In addition to magnesium the other major minerals are calcium, sodium, and potassium. Trace and major minerals are equally important to the body, but trace minerals are needed in smaller amounts then major minerals. To get the body to function properly, to maintain normal health, and for growth and development people must be absorbing the right amount of minerals.

This is why minerals is one of the four major groups of ingredients in Athletic Greens. This greens supplement powder is loaded with a total of seventy five whole food sourced ingredients in optimal amounts. It took doctors and nutritionists over ten years to develop a product that not only provides all a person’s daily nutrition but also has a naturally sweet taste. In addition to all the minerals it delivers people will find that Athletic Greens is loaded with antioxidants, contains necessary probiotics, and also has over eight grams of alkalinity boosting foods. People who add the greens superfood to their daily routine experience increased energy and improved overall health.

The Athletic Greens company is dedicated to bringing high quality supplements to individuals for optimal nutrition absorption. They also are currently giving away a free report listing their top choices for energy boosting foods.

Anyone interested in learning how they can take care of their daily mineral requirements in less than thirty seconds each day can grab the free report at