The Case For Successful People Being Left Or Right-Handed

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( — December 4, 2014) Steyning, West Sussex — On 2 December 2014, Daily Mail’s Ben Spencer published a study claiming that left-handed people are not as financially successful as right-handed folk, whereas on 3 December 2013, John Naish published a separate study stating “Why being left-handed can make you more successful,” in the exact same newspaper, leaving everyone wondering which study is to be believed.


The current study of 47,000 people in the UK and US revealed that the left-handed are still at a disadvantage in the workplace, while also pointing out that left-handed employees earned 12% less over their lifetime compared to right handed workers. It was also revealed that one in eight people were naturally left-handed, with data suggesting that left-handed children were more likely to encounter learning issues at school. Professor Joshua Goodman, an economist at Harvard, Massachusetts has actually suggested that people who write left-handed would have to live with a number of disadvantages.


A number of scientists also suggest that the reason why we use our left hand over the right is as a result of the way the hemispheric bias is developed in the womb, where our fundamental brain structures are first formed. Professor Goodman has claimed to have found a correlation between left-handed preference and low birth rates, suggesting that the left-handed had probably suffered some form of trauma or stress within the womb.


Why being left-handed can make you more successful was the title of the study published in the Daily Mail last December by John Naishbut, who also stated that a risk of mental illness or being injured in an accident, are also possible eventualities for left-handed people. Historically speaking, left-handed people were labelled “cack-handed” or even “sinister,” and more recently children were even forced to write with their right hand at school. New evidence though does indicate that left-handedness can often be due to developmental glitches, and possibly making lefties become more susceptible to certain mental disorders or just being accident-prone.


Also included in last year’s press release was the question of whether lefties were disproportionately brilliant, mentioning Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Paul McCartney as possible candidates. This particular research study about left-handedness was presented by Yale University, with researchers claiming their study did actually show the existence of a strong link between the left-handed and psychotic disorders like schizophrenia. The study revealed that while one out of ten people were left-handed, that an amazing four out of ten people with a schizophrenic illness were lefties.


Peter Halm, official spokesman for success niche best seller “A Bug Free Mind,” said that the case for being successful didn’t necessarily depend on which hand a person writes with, but more on people having a mental blockage that prevents them from becoming successful. He added… “Regarding the 2 contrasting reports about left handed people being successful or not, I’d say there’s probably a bit a truth in each article, but not when it comes to being successful, which depends mainly on a person’s ability to remove existing bugs from their mind.”








A Bug Free Mind

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Steyning, West Sussex United Kingdom N44 3SR

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