IVF Miracle Baby Born With Help From Spanish Clinic

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(Newswire.net — December 30, 2014) Alicante, Alicante — The Daily Mirror has just published a story about a UK couple’s triumphant miracle quest following 3 miscarriages, and 6 cycles of IVF treatment, costing over 90.000 Pounds Sterling. The newspaper says that Helen Proctor had spent several years trying to get pregnant, with her husband Marc even having to take a year off from work, but that their dream baby Blake had now become a reality. The saying goes that you can’t put a price tag on happiness, though in the case of Helen and Marc Proctor there’s no doubting you can, as despite their heartbreak, the couple never gave up hope by pouring everything they had into fertility treatments, which have finally helped Helen conceive baby Blake, who is now and 12 weeks old.


After getting married in 2007, the couple immediately began trying for a baby, though with hubby Marc working for a private security firm in Iraq, the couple were not left with many opportunities to conceive, leading to his decision to take a year off so he could focus on getting Helen pregnant. Ten months later and still no success, the couple begged their local clinic, Wessex Fertility, for help, as Helen didn’t meet the strict age criteria for IVF in their area. Helen said… “It was a long drawn out process, but we did eventually get there in end. It wasn’t long though before we knew something was wrong but the doctors just kept telling us that we were being impatient. It was obvious to me that there was an underlying issue, but at this stage I was willing to do anything to get to the bottom of it.”


Helen then decided to pay out £60 on a test at a private clinic, and was shocked when the results revealed she had a low egg count, meaning it wasn’t possible to conceive naturally. She said… “It was devastating news, but it just spurred me on even more, knowing that IVF was now our only option. In January 2009, we paid £8,000 for the first IVF cycle at Wessex Fertility, followed by another two rounds the same year, which cost a further £16,000, but sadly all attempts failed.” Further tests revealed that Helen had endometriosis, making it even more unlikely they would be able to conceive.


A trip to a top Harley Street clinic was necessary for the 4th IVF cycle, costing a further £9,000 plus travel expenses, but once again success was not coming. Finally, another doctor confirmed that Helen’s eggs were dark, grainy and poor quality, so she was advised to use an egg donor. The couple agreed to the idea, but with UK legislation preventing them from finding an anonymous egg donor at home, they were left with no other choice than going to an IVF clinic in Alicante, Spain. She said… “We decided we didn’t want our baby going out looking for their egg donor in the future, but luckily our local clinic had a sister clinic where anonymous egg donation is allowed.”


Finally on 5th December last year, Helen had two embryos transferred and four days later tested positive. She said… “I was so scared. I wasn’t sure if I was strong enough to make it through the whole process again, but after just one month, a scan showed I was carrying twins, and confirming that each had a strong heartbeat.” A due date of 27th August was given, but it was to be on April 28th that Helen’s waters actually broke. Blake came home in September gone, with Helen now saying… “I can’t describe how it feels to hold him in my arms,” with hubby Marc adding… “I’d go through the process a million times in order to have my son.”








Ivf-Spain S.L.

Avda. de Ansaldo, 13
Alicante, Alicante Spain 03540

0034 965 267 890

image from dollerphotoclub.com