Saudi Clerics Prohibit “Snowmen”

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( — January 13, 2015)  — Unusual snowstorms that have hit Saudi Arabia, the second hottest country in the world.   The storms have provide some snow related fun for the locales. However, Saudi scholar proclaimed some of the fun as sinful.

According to Reuters, a prominent Saudi Arabian cleric Sheikh Mohammed Saleh al-Munajjid wrote on a religious website, “It is not permitted to make a statue out of snow, even by way of play and fun.” The religious scholar sees building of snowmen, and snow animals for being anti-Islamic, so they issue a prohibition, RT reported.

Apparently, according Sunni Islam, it is sinful to create an image of a human being, Sheikh Munajjid argued.

It is allowed, however, people to “make whatever they want which does not have a soul,” he added in his ruling, suggesting they build snow trees, fruit, ships or buildings.

But, allegedly breaking the strict religious rules, northern Saudis (Tabuk region), which have been hit by unusual weather this month, have braved the cold to build their versions of snowmen.

Beside building a camel, a tribute to a local culture, people have build their snowmen with traditional headscarves.

Although there has been no government comment to the snowmen ban so far, the Gulf News reported a heated debate in the Gulf States – has exploded on social media.

“It has no value in our traditions, and those who are fascinated by the West should emulate their inventions and sciences, not their culture,” the daily quoted an anti-snowmen blogger.

Unsatisfied people argued on social networks the snow was there “for fleeting days, maybe even hours,” blaming the scholar for stealing all the joy and fun.

The snowstorm, rarely seen even in winter, hit many Middle East countries.  

While a state of emergency has been declared in Gaza, West Bank and some northern Middle East regions, people in parts of Saudi Arabia have been enjoying the rare occurrence in its usually sand-covered desert landscape.