Fit Like CrossFit

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( — January 14, 2015)  — You’ve seen them right? All these men and women walking around with CrossFit(tm) tank tops, bulging yet lean muscles, and those perfect hourglass figures, and you wonder just how much they have got to workout to acheive that. Well a lot of their “secrets” do not lie in there intense workouts. Instead it is is found in their diet. Oh great! Another strict diet in which I feel hungry all the time and dont taste the food that I eat. Wrong, their diet is actually not far fetched and hard to follow at all. It isn’t even a crossfit specific diet. Have you ever heard of the paleo diet? It works on one basic principle, eat what a caveman would eat. It is often referred to as the caveman diet, or even the hunter-gatherer diet. You just don’t have to do all the hunting and gathering. And you can actually make everything taste good with how far along cooking has come since back in the stone age.


To makes things even better about this diet is that it is easy to follow. Simple do not eat dairy products, grains, legumes, processed oils, and refined sugar. Now most of you probably just exited out of this article when you read that but just like any diet, and while trying to keep a sense of normalcy in our lives, you do not have to be 100% strict about it all the time. And the fact is that it will work. You will lose weight, you will tighten up, and you will have more energy and be much healthier. You will also get to eat more. I know right, that sounded crazy. But when you are eating low calorie, healthy foods that are rich in the nutrients our body actually wants you can get away with it. And as an added bonus you will most likely get sick less and be less likely to suffer from major illness. This is because many modern day issues such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes were brought about by high-calorie processed foods that were simply not around during the Paleolithic era, when many modern diseases were not heard of.


Most of you are probably thinking what can I cook? If I can’t go out and eat most pre-made meals what can I eat? This really doesn’t sound as easy as your making it out to be. Most people on the diet will tell you to follow a plan. And that is great advice but most people dont like plans. Whether you do or not the answer is in a cookbook. The Paleo Recipe Cookbook, to be exact. It has plans if you want to follow them and if not it simply makes it easy for you to decide what to eat and how to prepare it. If you really want to make it easier on yourself it includes cheat sheets to aid in making healthier decisions when you just do not want to be eating like the perfect human being. Which is really unheard of. And best of all it is proven to help by the people who currently own the book. If you want to know more about it I have put the link below.


The Paleo Recipe Cookbook: