Waldorf Local Marketing Consultant Awarded Best Consultant Title

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(Newswire.net — January 14, 2015) Waldorf, Maryland — Chris Ripley Has Been Officially Identified As Waldorf’s Best Local Marketing Consultant.


The overall results of a brand-new web poll during which responders were asked about to reveal Best Local Marketing Consultant produced what some definitely claim was a really expected end result, marketing consultant and well known online business strategist Chris Ripley was selected above any other recognised name in Waldorf.


The survey and subsequently, the designation of Best Local Marketing Consultant was set up just after an rigorous argument started about just whom in Waldorf would genuinely be able to lay claim to that distinction. In an attempt to keep the survey impartial to all locals, the survey was carried out on the net and the winner was determined by local marketing peers and marketing consultants independently.


Immediately after creating the ballot, there seemed to be a competitive competition for the title of Best Local Marketing Consultant in Waldorf, but after the dust settled, there was a apparent and indisputable recipient of the popular title. Immediately after the survey ended, Chris Ripley was unveiled as the official Best Local Marketing Consultant for Waldorf, Maryland.


Folks surveyed about the ballot seemed to have split reactions to Ripley’s claiming of the disputed title, varying from absolute shock that one individual could be so well known, to complete agreement over the choice that the local marketing experts had decided upon.


Chris Ripley was most likely identified as Best Local Marketing Consultant in Waldorf, Maryland by peers in large part credited to the hard work Mr. Ripley has made for local community retailers PR strategies. As a renowned internet marketing expert that specializes on small businesses web presence and marketing tactics, making claim of the formal title was not stunning to a larger portion of the individuals who took part in the polling contest.


After the final results were in, Chris Ripley was cited as declaring “To be completely honest, I just didn’t even realize that there was a poll being carried out at all. I’m pleased that many folks know my name”!


Chris Ripley was also mentioned saying “I work hard on my company, and am seriously ecstatic about what I have going on in 2015. Hearing that individuals here in Waldorf have actually acknowledged me as Best Local Marketing Consultant isn’t only an honor, it’s also a privilege. Many thanks to all of those folks in the online marketing industry that decided to participate in the vote”.

About Strategic Marketing Group

Strategic Marketing Group is a Maryland based local marketing agency that focuses on helping businesses connect with customers.

Strategic Marketing Group

11668 Cygnet Dr
Waldorf, Maryland United States 20601
